Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Micsurin


    válasz csuvicsuva #38247 üzenetére

    Nem tudom de az általam berakott képeken látszik, hogy nem lehet beváltani... a supportos csajszi nem tudom felfogta-e, hogy amerikai IP alól amerikai fiókkal akarták beváltani. :DDD :DDD :DDD

    "Thank you for your message.
    Given the fact that you have purchased a region-locked product, we cannot guarantee that it will work outside the US. As far as we know, a VPN might be necessary to use this key. We would like to recommend you to try this solution.
    However, if the key still cannot be redeemed, we would like to offer you a resale of the product. Once another customer purchases it, we will be able to give you a refund. Please be informed that we will take care of the whole procedure and you do not need to do anything.
    The resale itself may take a couple of days, however, we will do our best to resell it as soon and smoothly as possible. Please let us know if you are interested in this solution.
    Alternatively, you could present your friend or family member with it.
    We look forward to hearing from you."

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    The Separatists have no regard for innocent life. They don't care who walks away from war and who doesn't. That's why we move on them now, Commander……and Wolfpack leads the hunt.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák