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  • zolee001


    Nem birnak leakadni erröl az 10S -ről,aszongya hogy:

    Today, Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore confirmed the change on Twitter, as first spotted by The Verge. Belfiore says the new S Mode in Windows 10 will be available next year as a “mode” for existing Windows 10 SKUs instead of a completely separate SKU.

    We use Win10S as an option for schools or businesses that want the ‘low-hassle’/ guaranteed performance version. Next year 10S will be a “mode” of existing versions, not a distinct version. SO … I think it’s totally fine/good that it’s not mentioned.

    — Joe Belfiore (@joebelfiore) March 7, 2018

    Once the new S Mode in Windows 10 is available, Microsoft and its OEM partners will be selling devices that come with the S Mode enabled out of the box. And to access all the features of the OS and get the full version, users would have to pay $49 to upgrade if they are running Windows 10 Pro.

    Mennyiszer kell még bebukniuk,hogy észrevegyék a kutyának sem kell a butitott OS?

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