
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Dare2Live


    pár hónapja volt egy cikk erről a hvgben. Magyar fizura átfordítva(az ottani árszinvonalat fgyelembe véve) kb 30.000Ft keresnek. Mindannyian tudjuk, hogylehet megélni 30K Ft ből.

    A szomorú, vicces az egészben, hogy eközben Kínának bőven lenne pénze, hogy javítson az életszonvonalon, kína jelenleg !!!1000milliárd $!!!os +ban van, ez valami őrületesen nagy összeg.

    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

  • Dare2Live


    válasz Mackósajt #12 üzenetére

    Nem nem ez nem a külkerdeficit az ennél sokkal brutálisabb.
    Ennyi pénzük van ''kézzelfoghatóan'' pl 400milliárd $ nyi usa államkötvényben.

    Szeretnék konkrét adatokat mondani de most baromira nemtalálom őket. Ellenben találtam egy érdekes honlapot amit egy japánban élő magyar közgazdász csinál érdemes a linkelt cikket főlega végén lévő angol nyelvü részt elolvasni.... (Meg úgy az összes cikket a honlapról)

    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

  • Dare2Live


    válasz Huma #23 üzenetére

    elmaradottak... hápersze embert küldenek az űrbe és több egyetemistájuk van mint USAnak.... ezt márcsak Frei hiszi....
    hadseregükre se költenek vmi őrületes summat nem többet mint pl németország.

    Egyszerűen gyüjtik a pénzt vmi irdatlan mennyiségben. a kérdés csak mire?
    No ez az amire nemtudjuk a választ...

    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

  • Dare2Live


    válasz Huma #26 üzenetére

    A 2005ös kinai katonai büdzsé 30milliárd $ körül van. A német is.
    csak összehasonlításképp az amerikai meghaladja a 400milliárd$.
    Ez nem hit kérdése hanem tények.

    Eközben a kínai gdp már lehagyta a németet. Tehát elsősorban nem hadseregre költik a pénzt és nem is az emberek élnek jobban.
    Akkor mire költik a pénzt?
    Semmire, felhalmozzák azt pl finanszírozzák az őrületesen nagy amerikai külkerdeficitet usa állampapírok vásárlásával.

    Lényegében egy modern kori merkantilizmus zajlik aminek a fegyvere az éhbérér dolgozók 100milliói. Mi lesz a story vége? nem nehéz kitalálni.....

    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

  • Dare2Live


    válasz Huma #26 üzenetére

    ''De ahelyett, hogy az űrprogramjukba tömik a pénzt inkább a lakosság életkörülményeit kéne javítaniuk. ''

    Mért kéne? Mi motiválja őket, hogy a lakosság jobban éljen? Ne a te fejeddel gondolkodj...

    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

  • Dare2Live


    válasz Huma #30 üzenetére

    ''Valahol olvastam egy cikket ami arról szólt milyen jelentős ütemben fejleszti Kína a hadseregét''

    jólolvastad. 10%os éves gdp növekedésnél ha %osan uannyit költenek rá az aztjelenti minden évben 10%al többet azpedig elég durva fejlődés. És ehez hozzájön az, hogy nemkell újat fejleszteniük egyszerűen megveszik a ''high-techet'' bagóért az oroszoktól vagy ellopják az usatól. pl megvették a varjagot hulladékvasnak aztán mostmeg úgynézki készük kína első repülőgéphordozója.

    Japánt nekeverjük ide. Szerintem még egy kínait is ''megtud érteni'' egy nyi, de egy japánt európai fejjel megérteni... hát az esélytelen annyira más.

    A nem így kéne lennire meg nemreagálok már megtettem....

    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

  • Dare2Live


    válasz Intelligencs #31 üzenetére

    igazad van!

    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

  • Dare2Live


    válasz karib #34 üzenetére

    pl felsőkategória/luxuscikkgyártók
    meg van jópár termék aminek a termelését nem érdemes/lehet kivinni.

    Minden másban verhetetlen a hihetetlen mód alulértékelt yüannal és éhrabszolgákkal rendelkező kína.

    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

  • Dare2Live


    válasz karib #36 üzenetére

    azthiszem sokat mond az az adat, hogy az USA lakosság 8%a dolgozik az iparban....

    hosszú de érdemes elolvasni miben is vagyunk, mifelé is tartunk....:
    ''Mr. A lives in TechValley, USA. He has been unemployed for 5 years and has not paid his mortgage for quite a while. Luckily the holder of his mortgage seems to have forgotten about him so he still lives in his house. One day Mr. A hears a knock on his front door. There is a man wearing a black business suit standing there. His business card says that he is an employee of The Federal Reserve System and is working as the loan officer of Japanese Government.

    The man: ''Good morning Mr. A. I am here as the representative of Japanese Government to offer you a loan of $100,000 a year. There is no interest on the loan, and you only need to start to pay back after 30 years.''
    The man: ''Oh, Mr. A. You are a gem of American entrepreneurship. In the time when almost everyone in this country is living on credit cards you are still trying to start up a game business. Many folks are living on credit cards for twenty years or more, and all of our youngsters never know any real jobs after they graduate from colleges or graduate schools. They only know credit cards.''
    You know in D. C. only residents are the president, congresspersons and their highly paid staffs. All the bureaucratic positions are either replaced by machines or are outsourced. I heard Pentagon has become the museum of history of wars. All the generals, captains and foot soldiers are all outsourced; who wants to enlist when everyone can live on credit cards. If our president decides to make an preemptive strike, he just order our oversea military center. Then all the planes and missiles will launch from oversea military bases and bomb the hell out of our enemy.''
    Those machines are remotely controlled from an oversea medical center. Real doctors probably operated on a 3D image of your friend, using virtual knives and so on. All those movements are transmitted through internet to the machines in the real operation room to perform the surgery. Borrowing from your vocabulary, all the doctors and nurses are outsourced. I guess that no one wants to live a hard life of a doctor or a nurse when everyone can easily make a living with credit cards.
    What happens is that when we buy a batch of products from Japan, it is the Japanese exporters who receive the money, say 1 trillion dollars. However, Japanese exporters do not have any trust left in our Dollar, so they sell the dollars immediately in the currency market. Then Japanese Government must buy up those dollars to keep Yen/Dollar exchange rate at 105 Yen/Dollar, forever, so that Japan can keep exporting to us. When Japanese Government receives the dollars from their Yen sales, it uses the dollars to buy US Treasuries. Thus US Government receives those dollars and inject them into the credit card companies and mortgage bankers. Then folks like you can draw on the credit cards to buy goods made in Japan.
    You know the amount of money injected into the credit card system is not unlimited. There are always some irresponsible people who wants to spend all the money in the system for themselves. If they are not reined in, there will not be any money left for prudent folks like you to spend.''
    The rule is if, for example, a family of four increases credit card debt more than $500,000 in one year, then a moving van will come to take away their belongings along with the family members to a debtor's prison. The for sale sign will be put in front of the house to disguise the removal of the family
    A debtor's prison is an artificially constructed community with clean, nice but modest homes. The family will be assigned into one of such homes, and will be handed over with a weekly allowance in the form of a mock checking account and a debit card. They must learn to manage that modest allowance.
    Now I see the wisdom of Japanese Government. With this new loans from Japanese Government this ridiculous debtor's prison can all be done away. At the beginning of each month Japanese Government will deposit a fixed amount of money, according to the size of my loan, into my checking account.
    From the latest information I received out of Japan, an average Japanese worker, that is about 95% of their population, works 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Average diet there consists of 4 bowls of white rice sprinkled with some colored pickles along with 3 cups of fermented soy soup a day. A family of four lives typically in an apartment of 500 square feet. The favored modes of transportation are still that now famous jam-packed subway, walk or bicycling; there are almost no private cars to speak of
    Japan is a true democracy. People votes. I heard that they are so enthusiastic about this government, the opposition party was forced to disband not long after the last depression. After all every Japanese is seeing their nest eggs continuously increasing. Why should they revolt, against themselves? Don't worry. This heavenly balance of two wheels can go forever. Two and half billion saving happy people on the other side of the ocean peddles, and 500 million spending happy folks on this shore get a free ride. We have nothing to complaint, haven't we?

    Csak ne lenne annyira igaz, már a jelenre is!

    Suzuki topicba írta vki, hogy a magyar Suzuki gyárban döntően román/szlovákok dolgoznak nem véletlen fejlődik szlovákia/románia 6%al mo meg jövőre úgy 2-3%al.


    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

  • Dare2Live


    válasz karib #39 üzenetére

    hátez besz*ás......

    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

  • Dare2Live


    válasz ollie #42 üzenetére

    japán pl ezért nemhasonlítható gyak semmihez....
    ott az átlagember akarja.

    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

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