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  • Balu77


    Egyszerű a creative ezen lépése. A piac már megkívánja a pci-e csatolójú kártyát, de még biztos akadnak ''gyerekbetegségek'' amiket nem lessz könnyű kiküszöbölni. Ha egy drága fullos kártyát adnak ki és azon jön elő, akkor bizony pénzben sokat bukhatnak, így viszont olcsóbb kiszerelésben kissebb ez a rizikó. Ne feledjük hogy a Creative korábban többször is nyilatkozott a pci-e-re történő áttérés technikai nehézségeiről, illetve arról hogy miért nem állt akkor még át.

    Egy ilyen régebbi nyilatkozatuk pl. (eredeti):

    One of the questions that remained to be answered was why Creative decide to go for a PCI only based soundcard, we found out that in the near future there will not be a PCI-Express version of the sound card. Steve Erickson, vice president for Creative's audio products was kind enough to answer this particular question specifically, here's his take:

    As far as PCI Express (PCIe) is concerned, which is the next bus, what we found is that the performance of PCIe is truly bad for audio. We are seeing four times degradation on the bus for audio.

    PCIe is designed for graphics and high data transfer, but audio sends very small packets and the overhead can be very big! Moving the data across PCIe is much, much higher than PCI. So what we have to do is go back to the drawing board and work on the transport part of the chip and re-design it to add more silicon to overcome some of the problems we had with PCIe. So for us to come up with a PCIe solution is going to take a while because we have to overcome the problems we're facing with that bus.


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