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válasz ALLAT001 #74450 üzenetére
Saját mérés: mind a 4790K-m, mind a 4215U-m túl tudja lépni a TDP keretét. Pont ahogy előtte a 4690K, a 3610QM és a 2450M-em is.
Igaz egyébként, az tényleg az AMD-re vonatkozik, de ha továbbolvasol, leírják explicit módon, hogy a TDP != fogyasztás. Idézem:
"- It is important to note that thermal design power is the maximum thermal power the processor will dissipate, but not the same as the maximum power the processor can consume. It is possible for the processor to consume more than the TDP power for a short period of time that isn’t “thermally significant”. For example, a processor might consume slightly more power than the rated TDP value for say one microsecond...but then consume less power than the rated TDP value for a long period of time.
Such operation is considered normal. Because the processor temperature does not exceed the specified limits during such a short excursion, the processor will continue to operate correctly.
- It is possible to write “virus-like” code that toggles transistors in the processor on and off, but doesn’t do any real work. Such “virus-like” code could cause the processor to exceed the rated TDP value for a much longer, “thermally significant” period of time. To ensure the processor stays within the thermal specification under such “virus-like” type conditions, Intel processors have a built-in “thermal control circuit” which reduces processor power by reducing the processor voltage and/or modulates the clock frequency."Az a lényege, hogy hiába W a mértékegysége, nem elektromos teljesítményről van szó, hanem hőről. És a kettő nagyon nem ugyanaz.
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