Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Aylarth


    válasz CPT.Pirk #54910 üzenetére

    Persze :-)
    Ezt tartalmazza:
    # deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 1.0-final _Jessie_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-1 20170522-03:57]/ jessie main non-free

    # deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 1.0-final _Jessie_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-1 20170522-03:57]/ jessie non-free main

    # jessie-security, previously known as 'volatile'
    # A network mirror was not selected during install. The following entries
    # are provided as examples, but you should amend them as appropriate
    # for your mirror of choice.

    deb http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged/ jessie-security non-free main
    deb-src http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged/ jessie-security non-free main

    # jessie-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
    # A network mirror was not selected during install. The following entries
    # are provided as examples, but you should amend them as appropriate
    # for your mirror of choice.

    deb http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged/ jessie-updates non-free main
    deb-src http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged/ jessie-updates non-free main

    Őszintén szólva úgy semmi extra nem volt a devuan mellett, szidták a systemd-t, és gondoltam kipróbálok egy olyan disztribúciót aminél nincs systemd. Ennyi. De valószínűleg hagyom, a Linux Mint szinte instant ehhez képest.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák