Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • MolGabi

    aktív tag

    Fordítás közben találtam ezt-azt, lehet gyártani az elméleteket ezek alapján - már ha egyáltalán "felhasználhatóak"

    Episode4="Dark Room"
    Episode4Sub1="Alternative Beach"
    Episode4Sub11="Main Campus - Before The Party"
    Episode4Sub12="Swimming Pool - Party"
    Episode4Sub13="Jefferson's Car"
    Episode4Sub14="Junkyard - Evening"
    Episode4Sub2="Alternative Chloe's House - Downstairs"
    Episode4Sub3="Alternative Chloe's House - Upstairs"
    Episode4Sub4="Chloe's House - Focus"
    Episode4Sub5="Chloe's House - Upstairs"
    Episode4Sub6="Chloe's House - Downstairs"
    Episode4Sub7="Beach - Frank's Showdown"
    Episode4Sub8="Boys Dormitories"
    Episode4Sub9="Old Farm"
    Episode5Sub1="Dark Room"
    Episode5Sub10="Swimming Pool - Focus"
    Episode5Sub11="Cliff - In The Storm"
    Episode5Sub12="On The Road - Ending"
    Episode5Sub13="High School Toilets - Focus"
    Episode5Sub15="Hospital - Ending"
    Episode5Sub2="Dark Room - Focus"
    Episode5Sub3="Art Class - Focus"
    Episode5Sub4="Plane To San Francisco"
    Episode5Sub5="San Francisco's Art Gallery"
    Episode5Sub6="Max's Room - Focus"
    Episode5Sub7="Chloe's Truck - In The Storm"
    Episode5Sub8="E5_5B MainStreet"
    Episode5Sub9="Diner - In The Storm"

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák