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  • SunMount3r


    válasz SunMount3r #2871 üzenetére

    Itt vannak a gyanús debug részek a log file-ból:

    11:00:58.759 T:18446744071669020960 ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://'
    unix_err:'2' error : 'No such file or directory'
    11:00:58.759 T:18446744071669020960 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting smb://
    11:00:58.763 T:18446744071630952736 ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://'
    unix_err:'2' error : 'No such file or directory'
    11:00:58.764 T:18446744071630952736 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting smb://

    10:57:02.107 T:18446744071631997216 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting smb://
    10:57:02.131 T:18446744071631997216 DEBUG: ffmpeg[842B0920]: [swscaler] No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to bgra.
    10:57:02.134 T:18446744071633041696 DEBUG: ffmpeg[843AF920]: [swscaler] No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to bgra.
    10:57:02.308 T:18446744071782197536 WARNING: CPeripheralBusAndroid: ignoring input event for unknown input device with ID 3
    10:57:02.311 T:18446744071780108576 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.

    09:53:17.426 T:18446744071773575456 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting library%3a%2f%2fvideo%2frecentlyaddedmovies.xml%2f/
    09:53:17.427 T:18446744071669020960 ERROR: Previous line repeats 2 times.
    09:53:17.427 T:18446744071669020960 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
    09:53:17.430 T:18446744071773575456 ERROR: Previous line repeats 7 times.
    09:53:17.430 T:18446744071773575456 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting library%3a%2f%2fvideo%2frecentlyaddedmovies.xml%2f/

    Valakinek van valami ötlete?

  • Ejelhar

    senior tag

    válasz SunMount3r #2871 üzenetére

    Nekem is Xfluence, LE alatt nem is ajánlja fel letöltésre, nekem előbb a Helly repot kellett hozzá telepítenem.
    Na majd mindjárt megnézem én is a debugot mitet mond (szintén SMB-vel szedi a cumót).

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