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  • Dave™


    válasz themebuilder #11693 üzenetére

    Ha végigolvasod a topikot (én megtettem még korábban) utána ugyanaz az ember mondja a következőket:

    They are indeed incredibly good for the price. But Playaz N3 treble and instrument separation are way better - with the Sony Hybrids (competing with Sennheiser IE8). Everything sounds so much natural and you can hear sounds and recognize instruments you just can't with the TD100. By the other side, TD100's bass is better (especially sub-bass). BTW, where can one get the N3 now?

    This is how I rate them after 800+ hours of burn-in:

    Xears TD100

    Treble - Medium

    Mids - Good

    Bass - Good

    Clarity - Medium

    Instrument Separation - Medium

    Soundstage - Good

    Playaz N3

    Treble - Good

    Mids - Good

    Bass - Good

    Clarity - Good

    Instrument Separation - Good

    Soundstage - Good

    Valószínűleg hirtelen fellángolás volt, van ilyen.

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