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    válasz blakey #17349 üzenetére

    Inkább ezek miatt nem müködhetnek a nagyobb antennák:

    "Some routers use one antenna for send and receive. Others us separate antennas - mostly because buys like the look of multiple antennas. Still others use separate antennas for 2.4GHz and 5Ghz as well as send and receive. More is better, right??
    Going with that basic marketing principle, some manufacturers put antennas all over the place like a porcupine and claim to do all sorts of fancy things that are technically ridiculous, thereby justifying a much higher price.
    Multiple antennas must be combined using a splitter and kept in phase or they actually reduce net signal strength. Adding or changing one antenna will most likely be out pf phase. A high gain long range antenna MIGHT capture enough signal to result in a net gain, but it’s doubtful. If you can replace the antennas, replace them ALL with matching higher gain omnidirectional antennas. That is probably your best bet. Ethernet (WiFi) has a distance limitation anyway, and you “directional” antenna might extend the range of usable signal only to find out that it exceeds the distance limitation of the protocol (about 300 ft)."
    (Én csak 1-2 méternyivel akarom növelni...)

    Sajnos arra továbbra sem válaszolt senki, hogy az RT-AX86U-n pontosan hány antenna van (a belsőket is beleértve) és ezek közül melyek adnak, melyek vesznek. De majd megpróbálom kinyomozni...

    [ Szerkesztve ]


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