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  • Ejelhar

    senior tag

    válasz Ejelhar #48092 üzenetére


    Megjavult, csak nem tudom mitől, mert több dolgot is csináltam.
    - Kitöröltem a Kodi cachet, ez mondjuk nem használt, vagy talán nem rögtön. Azonnali változás nem volt, továbbra is hiányzott a Logo.
    - Kreáltam még régebben tmdb és fanart kulcsokat, ezeket bejátszottam a Kodinak* (ha a használt skin esetleg nem engedi, akkor az alapértelmezett Kodi web felületről ez menni fog).
    - végig scanneltettem újból a fanartokat.

    Az eredmény (már ott vigyorog a Trónok harca logó, és a többi hiányzó fanart is szépen megjelent):

    * Régebben még valamelyik fórumon találtam egy nagyon jó kis leírást saját API keyek készítésére, ha valakit esetleg érdekel:

    FanArt.TV: https://fanart.tv
    1: Login to the site (create an account if necessary - Free): https://fanart.tv/
    2: Go to the following URL: https://fanart.tv/get-an-api-key/
    3: Generate a PROJECT API KEY (lower half of page): (NOTE: Personal API Keys will not work properly)
    Project Name: kodi
    Project Description: kodi
    Project URL: http://kodi.tv
    4: You should see a Project key created which looks similar to the following:
    84f9633e5c6801d82759ed48e5059560 <-- Example only to indicate formatting, do not use this key, which is invalid

    The Movie DB: https://www.themoviedb.org
    1: Login to the site (create an account if necessary - Free): https://www.themoviedb.org
    2: Go to the following URL: https://www.themoviedb.org/settings/api
    3: Request an API Key (bottom lele of main content section of page)
    4: Select Developer and accept the terms of usage
    5: Enter the application details
    App name: Kodi
    App URL: http://kodi.tv
    App Summary: Personal API key for Kodi add-ons
    The rest of the fields are just your personal info, populate them and click submit.
    6: Your key is listed in the :API Key (v3 auth) section, You should see a key created which looks similar to the following:
    878b84aeea12334580bd86fa300e67da <-- Example only to indicate formatting, do not use this key, which is invalid

    The TV DB: http://thetvdb.com/
    1: Login to the site (create an account if necessary - Free): https://www.themoviedb.org
    2: Go to the following URL: http://thetvdb.com/?tab=apiregister
    3. Enter a project name and website and click retrieve API Key. These can be anything you want and are for your reference only, I use:
    Project Name: kodi
    Project website: http://kodi.tv
    4: Your key is listed in the: API Keys section at the bottom of the page, You should see a key created which looks similar to the following:
    FF02D36BE10A733B <-- Example only to indicate formatting, do not use this key, which is invalid

    OMDB: http://www.omdbapi.com/ (REQUIRES DONATION of $1 / Mo.)
    1: Donate to the project via Patron - https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=5038490
    2: Go to the following URL to request your API Key: http://www.omdbapi.com/apikey.aspx
    3: You should receive an email with an API key which looks similar to the following:
    32c545ae <-- Example only to indicate formatting, do not use this key, which is invalid


    Metadata and artwork module -- Add keys to Metadata and artwork module Add-on Settings, used by Skin helper Service
    Artwork Downloader -- https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2618265
    FYI: I also edit the tvdb.py file (line 41) to add my personal key for the TVDB, since i set one up.

    I hope this helps someone.

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