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  • Cathulhu


    válasz Petykemano #3719 üzenetére

    Van Gogh is labeled with ‘CVML’ which probably means ‘Computer Vision and Machine Learning’. Thus, the series is likely to focus on an entirely different market than Cezanne.

    Azert ez nekem fura. Ugyebar a Van Gogh az RDNA-s es a Cezanne a Vegas, viszont a ket architektura kozul a Vega van inkabb compute-ra kihegyezve. (nem is tudom RDNA-ra van-e egyaltalan ROCm, mivel nekem szemelyesen nem az van, igy csak a phoronix forumokrol remlik az allando nyafogas.

    szerk: quick chek, igen az utobbi ROCm hirnel is a postok jo resze errol szolt, AMD reply:
    "As with Navi we are already implementing, testing and upstreaming support in the lower level components - what is not being supported officially yet is the upper level components, primarily HIP and the libraries that run over HIP. OpenCL should be in pretty good shape already, and we are testing the lower level ROCm components in the AMDGPU-PRO packaged stack as a prelude to using them for OpenCL as well"

    viszont a kovetkezo kerdes/valasz:
    - What's really missing for me is ROCm support for Ryzen APUs (e.g. to be able to do development and testing with it on my notebook… even if I later use bigger machines with discrete GPUs to do the actual number crunching)
    - Agreed, and I think it's fair to say that view is gaining broader acceptance internally.

    Szoval osszegezve, se Navi support egyelore, se APU support (es ezekszerint hivatalosan tervben sincs), es igy akarnal 2021-ben egy ML APU-t kiadni? Good luck...

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Ashy Slashy, hatchet and saw, Takes your head and skins you raw, Ashy Slashy, heaven and hell, Cuts out your tongue so you can't yell

  • hokuszpk


    válasz Petykemano #3719 üzenetére

    egy jo Munkacsyt azert meg varnek toluk :D

    Első AMD-m - a 65-ös - a seregben volt...

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