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  • gulasoft


    válasz fatal` #48608 üzenetére

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  • gulasoft


    válasz fatal` #48608 üzenetére

    Most jött egy ilyen.
    On October 25, we’re updating the Supplemental Meta Platforms Technologies Privacy Policy to provide information on the new eye tracking, Natural Facial Expressions features that will be introduced on Meta Quest Pro. These features enable social presence and are only available on Meta Quest Pro. • Eye tracking gives your avatar more natural eye movement and improves the image quality within the area you’re looking at. It can also be used as an input, allowing you to interact with virtual content based on where you’re looking. If you enable this feature, your headset will process data about where you are looking using the cameras on your headset. • Natural Facial Expressions allows you to represent yourself more naturally in VR, by giving your avatar more realistic facial expressions. If you enable this feature, your headset will process data about your expressions using the cameras on your headset. • Fit adjustment helps ensure your headset is fitted optimally for better comfort, visual clarity, and an improved VR experience. If you enable this feature, the headset helps determine whether your fit is optimal by checking the position of your eyes and lower face relative to the headset. You will be prompted to readjust if your headset determines it is misaligned. Additionally, the new privacy notices for Meta Quest Pro’s eye tracking and Natural Facial Expressions features, as well as an FAQ for Meta Quest Pro’s fit adjustment feature, will go into effect on October 25.
    E szerint meg van szemkövetés. Hár ha van benne, akkor ezek totál hülyék, hogy nem reklámozták nagy betűkkel (de még kicsivel sem)
    Mondjuk lehet ez nem olyan szemkövetés, csak valami elnagyolt, és nem, használható az élesebb kép generáláshoz a kijelző egy részén, és ez is csaka az arckifejezés része.

    [ Szerkesztve ]


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