Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • passat77



    Úgy néz ki, hogy benyelt a NAS-om egy zsarolóvirust ! :W
    Az alábbi szöveges fájl van minden egyes könyvtárban, illetve minden dokumentum kiterjesztése át lett nevezve "CHECKMATE"-ra:

    "You was hacked by -=CHECKMATE=- team.
    All your data has been encrypted, backups have been deleted.
    Your unique ID: 76A7DFBCB4774C5896D565FD8BC77C6C
    You can restore the data by paying us money.
    We determine the amount of the ransom from the number of encrypted office files.
    The cost of decryption is 3120 USD for all your files.
    Payment is made to a unique bitcoin wallet.
    Before paying, you will be able to make sure that we can actually decrypt your files.
    For this:
    1) Download and install Telegram Messenger https://telegram.org/
    2) Find us https://t.me/checkmate_team
    Be careful! Telegram has a lot of fake accounts, for example, checkmate_teamm or checkmate_teams.
    Dont search manually, use the link above.
    If you dont follow this advice, you will lose money and files.
    3) Send a message with your unique ID, your e-mail and 3 files for test decryption. Files should be no more than 15mb each.
    4) In response, we will send the decrypted files and a bitcoin wallet for payment. Bitcoin wallet is unique for you, so we can find out what you paid.
    5) After the payment is received, we will send you the key and the decryption program.
    As a bonus, we will let you know how you were hacked.
    Is it possible to pay for the decryption of only part of the files?
    Yes, it is possible. For more information, please contact us.
    What is Bitcoin?
    read bitcoin.org
    Where to buy bitcoins?
    or use google.com
    Where is the guarantee that I will receive my files back?
    The very fact that we can decrypt your random files is a guarantee. It makes no sense for us to deceive you.
    How quickly will I receive the key and decryption program after payment?
    As a rule, within a few hours, but very rarely there may be a delay of 1-2 days.
    How does the decryption program work?
    It is simple. You need to copy the key and select a folder to decrypt. The program will automatically decrypt all encrypted files in this folder and its subfolders."

    Csak a Tansmission portja mutatott a NAS-ra kintről, az is átírva (nem a 3091-es porton).
    Hogyan jöhettek be még is? A Zyxel Cloud szolgáltatáson keresztűl esetleg?

    Járt már így valaki?

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák