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  • ρσгτσ


    válasz ρσгτσ #239428 üzenetére

    Úgy tűnik digitálisan is lehet probléma. Illetve nem tudom ez a 2019 -es fórumos bejegyzés mennyire állja meg a helyét, de akkoriban másoknak is akadt vele problémája:

    "This is a common problem with Xbox One Games With Gold since their purchase ID is different from an actual "own" purchase ID.

    To put it bluntly, when Forza Horizon 2 sale was removed from the Xbox Store in on September 30 in 2018, people who still had it installed with GwG can still play it and those who "purchased" it ("Buy to Own") can still find it in their Ready To Install list.

    Those who didn't "purchased" it ("Buy to Own") won't find it in their purchase history since GwG are not registered as "purchases". Ironically, you're allowed to buy DLCs with GwG licenses like if they were owned.

    Now, is it possible to recover the game? Yes, it's possible, but only for a really small amount of people.
    To download the game that is not available through the store, but you had unlocked with GwG, you got to do it from the Microsoft website on a PC and remotely install the game on the device.

    Here's the link toward the Forza Horizon 2 page :

    A kereső nekem weboldalon keresztül sem hozza ki, de ezzel a linkkel jó helyre navigál.

    Természetesen ez csak akkor működik ezen a módon, ha valamilyen oknál fogva nem lenne benne a listában, miután korábban GwG -ből behúzta valaki digitálisan.

    Kizárólag lemezes verziónál nem fog menni.

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