Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Bingisz


    KV-1S nerf:

    - the top gun remains the 122mm D-2-5
    - DPM nerfed from 1525 to 1220
    - reload time nerfed from 15,34 secs to 19,17 secs
    - ROF nerfed from 3,91 to 3,13
    - gun accuracy nerfed from 0,441 to 0,46
    - aim time nerfed from 3,26 to 3,45
    - accuracy spread after turning turret nerfed by cca 10 percent, various (quite strong) accuracy on the move nerfs, but the accuracy while moving maximum speed without turning was actually buffed somewhat, so we’ll see how exactly will this behave
    - depression nerfed from -8/+25 to -3/+20
    - weight increased from 43,97 to 46,5 tons
    - the engine power remained the same, but hp/t got nerfed from 13,6 to 12,9
    - forward/reverse maximum speed nerfed from 43/11 to 34/14
    - terrain passability on soft terrain got actually buffed a bit, the others remain the same
    - viewrange buffed from 330 to 340

    Így azért már más a fekvése a picinek. ;]

    "-Bingisz jó veled játszani, az arty legalább nem engem lő...."

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák