Aktív témák

  • -FreaK-


    Official GalnetMIUI Scotland
    It is with our deepest regrets that as from today Galnet MIUI Scotland will be closing.

    This is for a number of reasons, but the main one being I don't have the time or resources to continue to support everyone. Over the last year, people have became more demanding and bombarding my mail box with requests, with YOU MUST fix this or repair that. Truth be told, I've NEVER had to do anything..!

    MIUI China is also starting to provide the roms with English translations included, and we get not funding or support from China, and when I report issues with the rom (Even providing Logcats etc) I get no reply, so it feel's like it goes un-noticed and un-thanked..!

    We started development on the I9000 a year ago, and fixed many issues with the rom, and these also got transferred across into the main Chinese builds, we started ports of V4 into I9000 and many of these are included in MANY of the roms across the platform without thanks, we are simply not willing to do this any more.

    We wish all the MIUI community the best of luck in the future, and we will continue to monitor situations, we would also like to thank our fan base, and apologise for this closure notice.

    Take care everyone,
    Galnet MIUI Scotland.

    Hát ennyit Galnetékről.

Aktív témák