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  • #86564352

    törölt tag

    válasz UnA #8 üzenetére

    A Facebooknak eladásról beszéltem, hogy nem bánják. (ez volt a felvetés)

    Instagram founder doesn't regret selling the company to Facebook for $1 billion, even though it's worth 100 times that now, according to The Wall Street Journal's WSJ Magazine.

    "I think for where we were, we made an awesome decision," Kevin Systrom told the magazine.

    "The whole idea of joining Facebook was that we could scale way more quickly than we would independently. So if that is your goal, I think we've fulfilled that, and then some. If your goal, on the other hand, is not to have a billion dollars but two, or three, or four or whatever, well, good luck spending it. That's not what makes you happy in life."


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