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  • Intruder2k5


    // DIY Bi-directional AC Energy Meter with LCD By Solarduino

    // Note Summary
    // Note : Safety is very important when dealing with electricity. We take no responsibilities while you do it at your own risk.
    // Note : This AC Energy Meter Code needs AC current module and AC Voltage Module to determine AC Power value.
    // Note : This Code monitors RMS Voltage, RMS current, RMS AC Power (Apparent Power) and Instantaneous AC Power (Real Power), Frequency, Power Factor, Accumulate Energy, Import & Export Energy.
    // Note : The value shown in LCD Display is refreshed every second, can be used for 50Hz and 60Hz.
    // Note : The frequency is measured by counting time and average it for every 46 samples taken (1 sample is 1 cycle).Less cycle to be taken to allign the measurement time with other readings.
    // Note : Not recommended to add datalogger shield for recording as measured values accuracy may be out due to memory problem.
    // Note : Need to use 12V power supply rather than USB 5V power supply as more modules are involved.
    // Note : The unit provides reasonable accuracy and may not be comparable with other expensive branded and commercial product.
    // Note : All credit shall be given to Solarduino.


    /* 0- General */

    int decimalPrecision = 1; // decimal places for large values such as voltage, wattage, apparent power, and frequency shown in LED Display & Serial Monitor
    // decimal places for small values such as current, power factor and accumulate energy will be decimal places x 2.

    /* 1- AC Voltage Measurement */

    int VoltageAnalogInputPin = A1; // Which pin to measure voltage Value
    float voltageSampleRead = 0; /* to read the value of a sample*/
    float voltageLastSample = 0; /* to count time for each sample. Technically 1 milli second 1 sample is taken */
    float voltageSampleSum = 0; /* accumulation of sample readings */
    float voltageSampleCount = 0; /* to count number of sample. */
    float voltageMean ; /* to calculate the average value from all samples*/
    float RMSVoltageMean ; /* square roof of voltageMean*/

    /*1.1 Offset AC Voltage */

    int voltageOffsetRead = 0; /* to change the mode for offset */
    float voltageOffset1 = 0; // to Offset deviation and accuracy. Offset any fake current when no current operates.
    // Offset will automatically callibrate when SELECT Button on the LCD Display Shield is pressed.
    // If you do not have LCD Display Shield, look into serial monitor to add or minus the value manually and key in here.
    float voltageOffset2 = 0; // to offset value due to calculation error from squared and square root.
    float voltageSampleSumOffset =0; /* accumulation of sample readings for offset */
    float offsetVoltageMean = 0; /* to calculate the average value from all samples for offset, in analog values*/
    float voltageOffsetLastSample = 0; /* to count time for each sample for offset purpose. */
    float voltageOffsetSampleCount = 0; /* to count number of sample for offset. */

    /* 2- AC Current Measurement */

    int CurrentAnalogInputPin = A2; // Which pin to measure Current Value
    float mVperAmpValue = 31.25; // If using ACS712 current module : for 5A module key in 185, for 20A module key in 100, for 30A module key in 66
    // If using "Hall-Effect" Current Transformer, key in value using this formula: mVperAmp = maximum voltage range (in milli volt) / current rating of CT
    /* For example, a 20A Hall-Effect Current Transformer rated at 20A, 2.5V +/- 0.625V, mVperAmp will be 625 mV / 20A = 31.25mV/A */
    float currentSampleRead = 0; /* to read the value of a sample*/
    float currentLastSample = 0; /* to count time for each sample. Technically 1 milli second 1 sample is taken */
    float currentSampleSum = 0; /* accumulation of sample readings */
    float currentSampleCount = 0; /* to count number of sample. */
    float currentMean ; /* to calculate the average value from all samples*/
    float RMSCurrentMean =0 ; /* square roof of currentMean*/
    float FinalRMSCurrent ; /* the final RMS current reading*/
    float currentDisplay = 0; /* to display the direction flow of current at LCD Display*/

    /*2.1 Offset AC Current */

    int currentOffsetRead = 0; /* to change the mode for offset */
    float currentOffset1 = 0; // to Offset deviation and accuracy. Offset any fake current when no current operates.
    // Offset will automatically callibrate when SELECT Button on the LCD Display Shield is pressed.
    // If you do not have LCD Display Shield, look into serial monitor to add or minus the value manually and key in here.
    // 26 means add 26 to all analog value measured
    float currentOffset2 = 0; // to offset value due to calculation error from squared and square root.
    float currentSampleSumOffset = 0; /* accumulation of sample readings for offset */
    float offsetCurrentMean = 0; /* to calculate the average value from all samples for offset, in analog values*/
    float currentOffsetLastSample = 0; /* to count time for each sample for offset purpose. */
    float currentOffsetSampleCount = 0; /* to count number of sample for offset. */

    /* 3- AC Power Measurement */

    float sampleCurrent1 ; /* use to calculate current*/
    float sampleCurrent2 ; /* use to calculate current*/
    float sampleCurrent3 ; /* use to calculate current*/
    float apparentPower; /* the apparent power reading (VA) */
    float realPower = 0; /* the real power reading (W) */
    float powerSampleRead = 0; /* to read the current X voltage value of a sample*/
    float powerLastSample = 0; /* to count time for each sample. Technically 1 milli second 1 sample is taken */
    float powerSampleCount = 0; /* to count number of sample. */
    float powerSampleSum = 0; /* accumulation of sample readings */
    float powerFactor = 0; /* to display power factor value*/

    /*3.1 Offset AC Power */

    int powerOffsetRead = 0; /* to change the mode for offset */
    float powerOffset = 0; // to Offset deviation and accuracy. Offset any fake current when no current operates.
    // Offset will automatically callibrate when SELECT Button on the LCD Display Shield is pressed.
    // If you do not have LCD Display Shield, look into serial monitor to add or minus the value manually and key in here.
    float powerOffsetLastSample = 0; /* to count time for each sample for offset purpose. */
    float powerOffsetSampleCount = 0; /* to count number of sample for offset. */

    /* 4 - Daily Energy Measurement*/

    float dailyEnergy = 0; /* recorded by multiplying RMS voltage and RMS current*/
    float energyLastSample = 0; /* Use for counting time for Apparent Power */
    float energySampleCount= 0; /* to count number of sample. */
    float energySampleSum = 0; /* accumulation of sample readings */
    float finalEnergyValue = 0; /* total accumulate energy */
    float accumulateEnergy = 0; /* accumulate of energy readings*/

    /* 4.1 Import & Export Energy */

    float importFinalEnergyValue = 0;
    float exportFinalEnergyValue = 0;

    /* 5- frequency measurement */

    unsigned long startMicros; /* start counting time for frequency (in micro seconds)*/
    unsigned long currentMicros; /* current counting time for frequency (in micro seconds) */
    int expectedFrequency = 47; // This is to collect number of samples. for 50Hz use 46 or below. For 60Hz use 54 or below.
    // Use exact number of frequency number (50/60) will have calculation error.
    float frequencySampleCount = 0; /* count the number of sample, 1 sample equivalent to 1 cycle */
    float frequency =0 ; /* shows the value of frequency*/
    float a; /* use for calculation purpose*/
    float switch01 = 9; /* use for switching function */
    float vAnalogRead = 0; // read analog value, highly recommend AC voltage sensor
    // Automatically bonded with "VoltageAnalogInputPin = A2" reading

    /* 6 - LCD Display */

    #include<LiquidCrystal.h> /* Load the liquid Crystal Library (by default already built-it with arduino solftware)*/
    LiquidCrystal LCD(8,9,4,5,6,7); /* Creating the LiquidCrystal object named LCD. The pin may be varies based on LCD module that you use*/
    unsigned long startButtonMillis; /* for button cooldown time*/
    unsigned long currentButtonMillis; /* for button cooldown time*/
    unsigned long startMillisLCD; /* start counting time for LCD Display */
    unsigned long currentMillisLCD; /* current counting time for LCD Display */
    const unsigned long periodLCD = 1000; // refresh every X seconds (in seconds) in LED Display. Default 1000 = 1 second
    int page = 1; /* flip page to display values*/
    int z = 0; // if z=1 activate frequency calculation, if z=0, activate LCD display
    // need to seperate LCD display with frequency calculation may be due to low memory speed of the board that cannot do both at the same time

    void setup() /*codes to run once */


    /* 0- General */

    Serial.begin(9600); /* to display readings in Serial Monitor at 9600 baud rates */

    /* 5- frequency measurement */

    startMicros = micros(); /* Start counting time for frequency measurement */

    /* 6 - LCD Display */

    LCD.begin(16,2); /* Tell Arduino that our LCD has 16 columns and 2 rows*/
    LCD.setCursor(0,0); /* Set LCD to start with upper left corner of display*/
    startMillisLCD = millis(); /* Start counting time for LCD display*/
    startButtonMillis = millis(); /* for button cooldown time*/


    void loop() /*codes to run again and again */

    /* 0- General */

    /* 0.1- Button Function */

    int buttonRead;
    buttonRead = analogRead (0); // Read analog pin A0. Pin A0 automatically assigned for LCD Display Button function (cannot be changed)
    currentButtonMillis = millis();

    if(currentButtonMillis - startButtonMillis >= 300)

    /*Right button is pressed */
    if (buttonRead < 60)
    { LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("PRESS <SELECT> ");
    LCD.setCursor(0,1); LCD.print ("TO CALLIBRATE ");}

    /* Up button is pressed */
    if (buttonRead < 200 && buttonRead > 60) // Press up button to go to upper page
    page = page - 1 ;
    if( page <=0)
    { page = 1;}
    startButtonMillis = millis();

    /* Down button is pressed */
    if (buttonRead < 400 && buttonRead > 200) // Press down button to go to lower page
    page = page + 1;
    if (page >3)
    { page = 3; }
    startButtonMillis = millis();

    /* Left button is pressed */
    if (buttonRead < 600 && buttonRead >400)
    { LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print ("PRESS <SELECT> ");
    LCD.setCursor(0,1); LCD.print ("TO CALLIBRATE ");}

    /* Select button is pressed */
    if (buttonRead < 800 && buttonRead > 600)
    currentOffsetRead = 1; // to activate offset for current
    voltageOffsetRead = 1; // to activate offset for voltage
    powerOffsetRead = 1; // to activate offset for power
    LCD.setCursor(0,0); /* set display words starting at upper left corner*/
    LCD.print ("INITIALIZING..... ");
    LCD.setCursor(0,1); /* set display words starting at lower left corner*/
    LCD.print ("WAIT 5 SEC ..... ");

    /* 1- AC Voltage Measurement */

    if(millis() >= voltageLastSample + 1 ) /* every 1 milli second taking 1 reading */
    voltageSampleRead = 2*(analogRead(VoltageAnalogInputPin)- 512) + voltageOffset1; /* read the sample value */
    voltageSampleSumOffset = voltageSampleSumOffset + voltageSampleRead; /* values accumulate for offset purpose every milli second */

    voltageSampleSum = voltageSampleSum + sq(voltageSampleRead) ; /* accumulate value with older sample readings*/
    voltageSampleCount = voltageSampleCount + 1; /* to move on to the next following count */
    voltageLastSample = millis() ; /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again*/

    if(voltageSampleCount == 1000) /* after 1000 count or 1000 milli seconds (1 second), do the calculation and display value*/
    offsetVoltageMean = voltageSampleSumOffset/voltageSampleCount; /* average the offset reading*/

    voltageMean = voltageSampleSum/voltageSampleCount; /* calculate average value of all sample readings taken*/
    RMSVoltageMean = sqrt(voltageMean)+ voltageOffset2; /* square root of the average value*/
    Serial.print(" V ");
    voltageSampleSum =0; /* to reset accumulate sample values for the next cycle */
    voltageSampleCount=0; /* to reset number of sample for the next cycle */

    /* 1.1 - Offset AC Voltage */

    if(voltageOffsetRead == 1) /* Run this code when button SELECT is pressed */
    voltageOffset1 = 0;
    if(millis()>= voltageOffsetLastSample + 1) /* keep countng time for offset1*/
    voltageOffsetSampleCount = voltageOffsetSampleCount + 1; /* 1 milli second add 1 count*/
    voltageOffsetLastSample = millis(); /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again*/
    if(voltageOffsetSampleCount == 2000) /* after 2 seconds, run this codes. */
    voltageOffset1 = -1*(offsetVoltageMean); /* set the offset values */
    voltageOffsetRead = 2; /* go for second offset Settings */
    voltageOffsetSampleCount = 0; /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again */

    if(voltageOffsetRead == 2) /* Run this code after first offset done */
    voltageOffset2 = 0; /* set back currentOffset2 as default*/
    if(millis()>= voltageOffsetLastSample + 1) /* keep countng time for offset2*/
    voltageOffsetSampleCount = voltageOffsetSampleCount + 1;
    voltageOffsetLastSample = millis();
    if(voltageOffsetSampleCount == 2000) /* after 2 seconds, run this codes. */
    voltageOffset2 = - RMSVoltageMean; /* set the offset values */
    voltageOffsetRead = 0; /* change the offset mode to original, wait until the button is pressed again */
    voltageOffsetSampleCount = 0; /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again */

    /* 2- AC Current Measurement */

    if(millis() >= currentLastSample + 1) /* every 1 milli second taking 1 reading */
    currentSampleRead = analogRead(CurrentAnalogInputPin)-512 + currentOffset1; /* read the sample value */

    currentSampleSumOffset = currentSampleSumOffset + currentSampleRead; /* accumulate offset value */

    currentSampleSum = currentSampleSum + sq(currentSampleRead) ; /* accumulate value with older sample readings*/
    currentSampleCount = currentSampleCount + 1; /* to move on to the next following count */
    currentLastSample = millis(); /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again*/

    if(currentSampleCount == 1000) /* after 1000 count or 1000 milli seconds (1 second), do the calculation and display value*/
    offsetCurrentMean = currentSampleSumOffset/currentSampleCount; /* average offset value*/

    currentMean = currentSampleSum/currentSampleCount; /* calculate average value of all sample readings taken*/
    RMSCurrentMean = sqrt(currentMean)+currentOffset2 ; /* square root of the average value*/
    FinalRMSCurrent = (((RMSCurrentMean /1024) *5000) /mVperAmpValue); /* calculate the final RMS current*/
    Serial.print(" A ");
    currentSampleSum =0; /* to reset accumulate sample values for the next cycle */
    currentSampleCount=0; /* to reset number of sample for the next cycle */
    currentSampleSumOffset=0; /* to reset accumulate offset value for the next cycle*/

    /* 2.1 - Offset AC Current */

    if(currentOffsetRead == 1) /* Run this code when button SELECT is pressed */
    currentOffset1 = 0; /* set currentOffset back to default value*/
    if(millis()>= currentOffsetLastSample + 1) /* keep countng time for offset1*/
    currentOffsetSampleCount = currentOffsetSampleCount + 1;
    currentOffsetLastSample = millis();
    if(currentOffsetSampleCount == 2000) /* after 2 seconds, run this codes. */
    currentOffset1 = - offsetCurrentMean; /* set the offset values */
    currentOffsetRead = 2; /* go for second offset Settings */
    currentOffsetSampleCount = 0; /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again */

    if(currentOffsetRead == 2) /* Run this code after first offset done */
    currentOffset2 = 0; /* set back currentOffset2 as default*/
    if(millis()>= currentOffsetLastSample + 1) /* keep countng time for offset2*/
    currentOffsetSampleCount = currentOffsetSampleCount + 1;
    currentOffsetLastSample = millis();

    if(currentOffsetSampleCount == 2000) /* after 2 seconds, run this codes. */
    currentOffset2 = - RMSCurrentMean; /* set the offset values */
    currentOffsetRead = 0; /* change the offset mode to original, wait until the button is pressed again */
    currentOffsetSampleCount = 0; /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again */

    /* 3- AC Power with Direction */

    if(millis() >= powerLastSample + 1) /* every 1 milli second taking 1 reading */
    sampleCurrent1 = analogRead(CurrentAnalogInputPin)-512+ currentOffset1; /* create variable for formula purpose */
    sampleCurrent2 = (sampleCurrent1/1024)*5000;
    sampleCurrent3 = sampleCurrent2/mVperAmpValue;
    voltageSampleRead = 2*(analogRead(VoltageAnalogInputPin)- 512)+ voltageOffset1 ; // the formula is times 2 so that the amplitude can be reduced by half to overcome wave limit cut near 250Vac
    powerSampleRead = voltageSampleRead * sampleCurrent3 ; /* real power sample value */
    powerSampleSum = powerSampleSum + powerSampleRead ; /* accumulate value with older sample readings*/
    powerSampleCount = powerSampleCount + 1; /* to move on to the next following count */
    powerLastSample = millis(); /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again*/

    if(powerSampleCount == 1000) /* after 1000 count or 1000 milli seconds (1 second), do the calculation and display value*/
    realPower = ((powerSampleSum/powerSampleCount)+ powerOffset) ; /* calculate average value of all sample readings */
    Serial.print(" W ");
    apparentPower = FinalRMSCurrent*RMSVoltageMean; /*Apparent power do not need to recount as RMS current and RMS voltage values available*/
    Serial.print(" VA ");
    powerFactor = realPower/apparentPower;
    if(powerFactor >1 || powerFactor<0) /* if power factor more than 1 or less than 0, key in power factor = 0 */
    powerFactor = 0;
    powerSampleSum =0; /* to reset accumulate sample values for the next cycle */
    powerSampleCount=0; /* to reset number of sample for the next cycle */

    /* 3.1 - Offset AC Power */

    if(powerOffsetRead == 1) /* Run this code after first offset done */
    powerOffset = 0; /* set back currentOffset2 as default*/
    if(millis()>= powerOffsetLastSample + 1) /* keep countng time for offset2*/
    powerOffsetSampleCount = powerOffsetSampleCount + 1;
    powerOffsetLastSample = millis();
    if(powerOffsetSampleCount == 5000) /* after 5 seconds, run this codes. */
    powerOffset = -realPower;
    powerOffsetRead = 0; /* change the offset mode to original, wait until the button is pressed again */
    powerOffsetSampleCount = 0; /* to reset the time again so that next cycle can start again */

    exportFinalEnergyValue = 0; /* reset every energy to 0*/
    importFinalEnergyValue = 0;
    finalEnergyValue = 0;

    /* 4 - Accumulate & Daily Energy Measurement*/

    if(millis() >= energyLastSample + 1) /* every 1 milli second taking 1 reading */
    energySampleCount = energySampleCount + 1;
    energyLastSample = millis();
    if(energySampleCount == 1000) /* after 1000 count or 1000 milli seconds (1 second), do the calculation and display value*/
    accumulateEnergy = realPower/3600; /* daily and accumulative seperated*/
    finalEnergyValue = finalEnergyValue + accumulateEnergy;
    Serial.print(" kWh ");

    /* 4.1 - Import & Export Accumulate & Daily Energy Measurement*/

    if (accumulateEnergy >=0) /* If the energy is positive, it is an import energy*/
    importFinalEnergyValue = importFinalEnergyValue + accumulateEnergy;

    if (accumulateEnergy <0) /* If the energy is negative, it is an export energy*/
    exportFinalEnergyValue = exportFinalEnergyValue - accumulateEnergy;

    energySampleCount = 0 ; /* Set the starting point again for next counting time */

    /* 5- frequency measurement */

    if(z == 1) // Once LCD displayed values, the frequency then only start calculation
    vAnalogRead = voltageSampleRead; /* read the analog value from sensor */
    if(vAnalogRead < 0 && switch01 == 9) /* the begining stage make sure counting started with a clean value = 0 */
    switch01 = 8;

    if(vAnalogRead >= 0 && switch01 ==8) /* start counting time when analog value = 0 going up trend */
    startMicros = micros();
    switch01 = 7;

    if(vAnalogRead < 0 && switch01 == 7) /* going downtrend do nothing, just acknowledgement */
    switch01 = 6;

    if(vAnalogRead >=0 && switch01 == 6) /* after 1 cycle when going back to value 0 uptrend */
    currentMicros = micros(); /* record the current time for frequency calculation*/
    frequencySampleCount = frequencySampleCount +1 ; /* count the sample or cycle. accumulate the number oc cycle*/
    switch01 = 7; /* standby to go to next downtrend cycle*/

    if(frequencySampleCount == expectedFrequency) /* if couting sample reach the set number of cycle (example 46 cycles) */

    a = currentMicros-startMicros ; /* get the time taken throughout the total cycles */
    frequency = 1/((a/1000000)/frequencySampleCount); /* formula for frequency value by averaging */
    Serial.println(" Hz ");
    frequencySampleCount = 0; /* reset the total sample taken become 0 for next cycle */
    switch01 = 9; /* go back to initial stage looking for a confirmation signal to start count time*/
    z = 0; /* close the frequency calculation until next LCD Display*/

    /* 6 - LCD Display */

    currentMillisLCD = millis(); /* Set current counting time */
    if (currentMillisLCD - startMillisLCD >= periodLCD && page ==1) /* for every x seconds, at page 1*/
    LCD.setCursor(0,0); /* Set cursor to first colum 0 and second row 1 */
    if(realPower >= 0) /* to determine the direction of current flow */
    { currentDisplay = FinalRMSCurrent; }
    if(realPower < 0)
    { currentDisplay = -FinalRMSCurrent;}
    LCD.print(currentDisplay,decimalPrecision*2); /* display current value in LCD in first row */
    LCD.print("A ");
    LCD.print(RMSVoltageMean,decimalPrecision); /* display current value in LCD in first row */
    LCD.print("V ");
    LCD.print("W ");
    LCD.print(apparentPower,decimalPrecision); /* display current value in LCD in first row */
    LCD.print("VA ");
    startMillisLCD = currentMillisLCD ; /* Set the starting point again for next counting time */
    z = 1; /* initiate frequency calculation */

    if( currentMillisLCD - startMillisLCD >= periodLCD && page == 2) /* for every x seconds, at page 2*/
    LCD.setCursor(0,0); /* Set cursor to first colum 0 and second row 1 */
    LCD.print(" ");
    LCD.print("Hz ");
    LCD.print("kWh ");
    startMillisLCD = currentMillisLCD ; /* Set the starting point again for next counting time */
    z = 1; /* initiate frequency calculation */

    if( currentMillisLCD - startMillisLCD >= periodLCD && page == 3) /* for every x seconds, at page 3*/
    LCD.setCursor(0,0); /* Set cursor to first colum 0 and second row 1 */
    LCD.print(" kWh ");
    LCD.print(" kWh ");
    startMillisLCD = currentMillisLCD ; /* Set the starting point again for next counting time */
    z = 1; /* initiate frequency calculation */


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