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  • ElektrikusDE

    senior tag

    válasz Szellem. #18559 üzenetére

    Van egy kis ellentmondás benne:


    "The main reason is that many of our customers do not activate their software right after their order. And they would like to keep their license for some time. Please note that this is a special offer from Kaspersky and it will end on the first of November 2021. Meaning that all the activation codes should be used before this time."


    "IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that be generating the license key the time of your license will start right away. Therefore, please do not do this step if you are not willing to activate your software right now. Please note that this is a special offer from Kaspersky and it will end on the 20th of November 2021. Meaning that all the activation codes should be used before this time."

    "first of November 2021" , "20th of November 2021" ez a két időpont eltér.

    Volt már több hasonló licenckulcsos aktiválásom, mindig szép és jó volt, de sem alaplapcserét sem Windows újratelepítést nem éltek túl! :(

    Mivel nem volt számlám a Kasperskytől! :W

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