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    válasz OPiiPO #32318 üzenetére

    Ez eddig is így volt, nem? Az összes m4/3 lencsénél mindkét gyártó -- a Pana is, ahogy ugyanabban a 13-as számú hsz-ben meg lett említve: "It's well known that the size of the glass elements in a lens can be reduced if you don't mind some distortion as a by-product. This is why Panasonic lenses are usually more compact than similar specification Leica-branded Panasonic lenses; Leica does not permit excessive distortion, whereas Panasonic is not so fussy and corrects it in the camera."

    Szóval mi ebben a meglepő? Ezt eddig is tudtuk, s azt is, hogy szoftveres korrekcióval hatékonyan lehet csökkenteni.

    De ha már kiemelted azt a részletet, kiemelhettél volna ilyen hsz-eket is:
    #10: "As far as I can see, Olympus has done their homework very well as I see the jpegs. That means that they have done the optical formula + softwarecorrection at the wide end very good, better than any mFT lens before."
    #11: "This is highly interesting. Not only because of the decentering issues of the 12-60. But also because the 12-40 seems so incredibly consistent across the frame."
    #21: "From said quick look, there does not seem to be much to choose between the two lenses as far as image quality. Closer inspection or other subjects/conditions may reveal bigger differences. But it seems that we're looking at two excellent lenses here. Chances are the choice between the two could be made based primarily on features (size, cost, zoom range, maximum aperture, focusing mechanism, etc.) rather than image quality."

    Szóval ettől még továbbra is egy kiváló lencse, s úgy tűnik, hogy az eddig hasonló árú Pana 12-35-öt letaszítja a trónjáról.

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