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  • PuMbA


    válasz stevve #13117 üzenetére

    Nemhogy kevesen, de senki sem tudja megállapítani. Ha van különbség akkor más a master vagy direkt csinálják rosszabbra a CD-s anyagokat, hogy megvegyék a DVD Audio-t meg az SACD-t.

    "In the audiophile community, the sound from the SACD format is thought to be significantly better compared to older format Red Book CD recordings. However, In September 2007, the Audio Engineering Society published the results of a year-long trial in which a range of subjects including professional recording engineers were asked to discern the difference between SACD and compact disc audio (44.1 kHz/16 bit) under double blind test conditions. Out of 554 trials, there were 276 correct answers, a 49.8% success rate corresponding almost exactly to the 50% that would have been expected by chance guessing alone."

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