IT café
A topic elfeledett filmcímekhez nyújt segítséget, nem ajánlásoknak van fenntartva.
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Én ''Az Idő urai'' c. legjóságosabb rajzfilmet keresem DVD formában, szinkronosan, megvételre. Gondolom ilyen nem létezik
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
A Raspad című orosz filmet keresem. A csernobili atomerőmű-robbanásról szól, de játékfilm. (Bővebben: link)
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz runner 125 #1003 üzenetére
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz Tothgera30 #1097 üzenetére
Ellenség a kapuknál (Enemy at the Gates, 2001). IMDB.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz theiron320 #1147 üzenetére
Esetleg ezt próbáld meg még egyszer megfogalmazni, de ezúttal magyarul, mert én egy szót sem értettem belőle.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz Thunderzolee #1155 üzenetére
Egy őstag igazán megtanulhatná használni a google-t.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz KennyONE #1157 üzenetére
Grave Encounters (2011), Exorcismus (2011), Dark Water (2002, nem az amerikai remake), Yogen (Premonition, 2004), Session 9 (2001)?
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz Dyrtyho #1161 üzenetére
Hát a Ne légy barom! elég sok filmből merített, de leginkább a Boyz n the Hood című film volt az alapja. Már viszonylag régen láttam, így nem rémlik sem pizzéria, sem meleg nyár belőle.
Ezek nálam inkább a Sleepers című filmhez kapcsolódnak (meleg nyár, meglőtt ember megy be a pizzériába).
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Érdekes filmeket nézhettél gyerekként.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz gulyasistvan #1811 üzenetére
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz J0shu4M1ll3r #1875 üzenetére
[ Szerkesztve ]
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz goldweaver #2382 üzenetére
Soha nem fogom megérteni, hogy miért jobb ide bepötyögni 9 sornyi szöveget ahelyett, hogy Google-ba begépeli az ember a vélt alcím 6 szavát, és megtalálja a választ...
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
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Város: Budapest