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  • tukko1

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    válasz Shirko #35251 üzenetére

    A dual sim-es topic az igazábó android mélyvíz topic?
    Erre a hozzászólásra gondoltam:
    "edit: after some research and I don`t remember how many google pages and searches I found that you can achieve this function using:

    1. Enter Fastboot Mode (adb reboot bootloader)
    2. Enter Command: fastboot oem off-mode charge 0
    3. Enter Command: fastboot reboot

    if that is not working for you maybe this one will work:

    1. search in /system/bin/ for playlpm, ipod, lpm, kpoc_charger or any other file that have inside some reference to battery animation.
    2. edit that file, delete all content inside and add

    if that is not working you can try this:

    1. Unpack boot.img and edit init.rc.
    2. Add following to the end of file:
    #Check if chargermode and start autoreboot service.
    on property:ro.bootmode=charger
    start autoreboot

    #autoreboott service which command reboot
    service autoreboot /su/bin/su /system/bin/reboot -c reboot now
    user root

    3. re-pack boot.img

    None of that worked for me but I had an idea. Why not just create that damn file inside /bin ???

    1. unpack boot.img
    2. edit > ramdisk >
    3. add start kpoc_charger to “on charger” line *** “kpoc_charger” can have any name be free to name it ***
    4. add after:
    service kpoc_charger /system/bin/kpoc_charger
    class charge

    5. create kpoc_charger file on root/system/bin/ with 755 permissions using any root file managers
    6. edit file and add:

    Have fun and enjoy this."

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