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  • samnazarko



    I believe Csicsóka brought this thread to my attention on OSMC forums.

    I apologise for posting in English, but I do not speak Hungarian.

    OSMC is an open source (GPLv2) project where it can be. Other packages, such as proprietary firmware, ship with their own license.

    As such, you can use and produce your own OSMC images but you would have to produce the sources behind this for each release. This means that any changes you make must also be made available as an open source project.

    I've taken a quick look at one of the images and I can see that the OSMC kernel is not used and you have made modifications to the base system. As you have done this, we don't really consider the images to be OSMC. Therefore, we'd appreciate it if you could change the name and references to OSMC in your work. OSMC is a registered Trademark and we have to protect it or we could lose the rights to it.

    Some users have reported problems when using this build that are not present in the official version of OSMC. As a result, it does a disservice to our brand and developers because it suggests there are issues present in OSMC, when they are simply introduced by changes made outside of OSMC. We expect this to be more of an issue when we make further improvements for Vero 4K, which is a platform specific implementation of AMLogic hardware.

    I'd also like to bring your attention that we are working on mainline kernel support. This ensures further divergence in the future, which means that some devices may not be able to run OSMC.

    We're very judicious about the devices we support, but we're happy to coexist with forks that are GPL compliant and rebrand. We'll be adding support for a series of Rockchip and AllWinner devices in the future. Unfortunately most AMLogic devices will be a dead-end because they do not properly open source their bootloader.

    @Csicsóka If you have any questions or specifics about OSMC internals, I'm happy to answer them and assist where possible. You can ping me at sam@osmc.tv. We have no issue with open source projects that are forks of OSMC, but we do insist that you rebrand so that users do not think that your builds are officially sanctioned by OSMC or a reflection of OSMC on other devices.

    I'm also sure that you can appreciate OSMC is the OS it is because we invest in the development of it from the sale of our devices. AMLogic platforms would not be where they are today, without OSMC. OSMC collaborates with the wider AMLogic community (i.e. kszaq; surkovalex). Our focus is now on mainline support. You can buy hardware cheaper than our flagship device; but you can't buy it that much cheaper, and you will certainly not find hardware with such a long term commitment to support. When you consider the device over the five year support period, it's not going to be cheaper. If something goes wrong, we are there to help.

    Good luck with your project and thanks for your understanding.

    Kind Regards

    Sam Nazarko
    Founder, OSMC

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