Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • peestike

    senior tag

    FIUI 2.16.0 beta от cwz1996@ATX
    Virtual keys hidden cell phone display, either for the first time and then need to turn yourself checked.
    Settings - Accessibility - button - enable the screen on the navigation bar, the default is not checked and the cut is not displayed. Virtual button on the phone for the first time need to manually check the boot time
    When the new screen put out lower CPU frequency function (Settings - Accessibility - Performance - put out the screen while reducing CPU frequency), off by default, N4 and some models do not support
    Repair the problem and enter the decimal calculator font size problem
    SystemUI FC repair a problem caused by the conflict framework
    Put out the screen when power optimization, the test group one night standby consumption of 1-3% without pressure
    Optimized screen phone is switched virtual key lock screen display / hide the speed of the navigation bar
    Optimized MI3 / MI4 sensor response
    SystemUI code logic optimization
    Police code logic optimization
    Part of the code logic optimization framework
    Update Google Store
    Issue individual updates
    Repair unusual problems cpu frequency list
    Repair fiui Advanced Settings few moments after locking the highest standard settings problem
    Optimized power again
    Optimized heating problem
    Try to add come and go electric attribution, with testing, seemingly attribution show only China
    Re-set performance tuning frequency of each mode, more scientific and more power


    szerintem akinek jó fényképezős telefon kell, akkor vegyen samut, nokiat vagy iphone-t (nem a legaljára gondolok). ja, hogy nem futja rájuk? akkor meg nem baj, ha két lábbal állunk a földön, mer a végén beleér a bilibe a kezünk... :)

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    42 - Nincs is jobb, mint egy kis kötöttség, ami ellen az ember kényelmesen lázadozhat.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák