Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • ludsimon


    Jön a 120?! :Y
    Pfúúúj, hogy néz ez ki?
    Ez lenne a bow :W

    Képen ocsmány, aztán meglátjuk élőben milyen lesz.
    Basszus nem leszek még 101-se meg ha ilyen hamar bejön a 120. :U

    Staff+crossbow+dagger+ceric rod viszont odab*sz.

    Megnézhetitek itt.



    Upgrading your D11 items

    First of all, if you have a SON set, and you are already selling it because of the upgrade. STOP RIGHT NOW!
    The new degree doesn't comes with cap upgrade (yet!), so your normal nova items still worth something!
    You can upgrade your seal of nova items to D12 sealed items, the minimum requeriments for the upgrade are:

    - The item must be at least +7 or more.
    - The item must be Seal of Nova, Seal of Nova Power, or Seal of Nova Fight.
    - The item cannot be from Magic POP.

    Depending on the item you are going to upgrade, you can get one of the 3 tiers of D12 nova items:

    Seal of Nova D11 ---> Seal of Nova D12
    Seal of Nova Power D11 ---> Seal of Moon D12
    Seal of Nova Figth D11 ---> Seal of Sun D12

    When you upgrade your weapon to D12, it will lose ALL THE BLUES, WHITES AND PLUS IT HAD!
    So basically, when upgrade you will get a clean sealed D12 item.

    For upgrade a D12 weapon you can't use normal elixirs (not sure about adv elixirs). Instead you use a new kind of elixirs, that I don't know yet from where they come from XD

    More to come soon!

    They are releasing it TODAY on kSRO. No date for iSRO.
    Cap stays 110, D12 weapons are lv 101. No new skills.

    Ehhez ennyit: :Y :R

    [ Szerkesztve ]


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák