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  • Tigerclaw


    válasz ledgeri #13 üzenetére

    Ugy nez ki igazad van, csak sok helyen elokerul az eredeti tervezett magassag is.

    "Originally, SpaceX intended to launch 4,425 satellites to non-geostationary orbits (NGSO) ranging from 1100 and 1300 km (680 and 800 mi), which would transmit in the Ku- and Ka-radio bands.
    However, due to growing competition from other satellite internet providers, SpaceX decided to expedite its plans and presented a modified plan to the FCC. This took place in the fall of 2018 when the company announced that the first batch would be launched to a lower altitude – 550 kilometers (340 mi), starting in May of 2019."

    "SpaceX proposed to lower the operation altitudes of a future cluster of Starlink satellites from 1,110-1,325 kilometers, its previous range, to 540-570 kilometers. " [link]

    Ez a cikk pont arrol szol, hogy Jeff Bezosnak is van/lesz egy sajat rendszere Kuiper neven es hogy ugyanarra a magassagra akarnak engedelyt kerni. Ugye az alacsonyabb magassag alacsonyabb latencyt jelent.

    "OneWeb satellites will be launched into a near polar orbit at an altitude of 500 kilometers before raising themselves on their onboard electric propulsion to their operational orbit of 1200 km."

    Extra kerdes:
    Vajon milyen elektromos meghajtorendszere van a OneWeb muholdaknak, ami 500km-rol 1200-ra tudja emelni sajat erobol?

    Az a baj a világgal, hogy a hülyék mindenben holtbiztosak, az okosak meg tele vannak kételyekkel.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák