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  • Tigerclaw


    válasz Siera #37 üzenetére

    Igen, kár érte. Szinte mindenki dícséri a világot a sztorimesélést és szinte mindenki nagy problémának tartja az animációt, a buta harcot, a haszontalan ranged fegyvereket, a butának kinéző saját karaktert, a sok céltalan szaladgálást, de jelenleg még komoly memory leak is van.

    Van egy két szöveg amin szakadtam a nevetéstől:

    "The Bad: During all of the cut scenes, my character looks like either a complete dope or someone who doesn't understand the language. Like he's either thinking "Uhhhhhh huh huh" or "OK G I!" Also, I'm wearing pistols *outside* of my coat. Subtlety please."

    Ez szerepelt itt a bevezetőben is.

    Itt egy másik, ami egész jól összefoglalja:
    Good: Environment and mob graphics are pretty. Some quests are interesting.

    Bad: Character graphics are crap. Some quests are boring as hell. Ranged weapons are useless. Combat is boring. Cutscenes are childish, text is like cheap porn movie.

    Ugly: Out of memory crashes every 15 min. Animations. Character creator.

    Actually biggest problem with the game is that it bored me instead of pulling me in right from the start. The Templar starting experience in London is actually pathetic story wise when you think about it.
    It didnt get much better in Kingsmouth either, somehow it failed to make me interested and involved. Everything felt artificial, what the hell kind of secret society are you when everybody know what you are and who you work for...
    edit: Oh and my character is like some mute slightly retarded 10 year old, not member of secret society with superpowers."

    Az a baj a világgal, hogy a hülyék mindenben holtbiztosak, az okosak meg tele vannak kételyekkel.

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