
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • kenwood


    válasz t72killer #10 üzenetére

    A simple search of the web can deflate your bubble really fast if you find yourself with unexpected money. Cases abound of people who have received erroneous deposits and then spent some, most or all the money and found themselves facing criminal charges. People did various things with the money, from moving it to other accounts to gain interest, investing it, buying cars, helping relatives with bills, or giving to charity. Criminal charges varied by state, but basically amounted to theft of property lost by mistake and receiving stolen property, even in cases where the money went for good or noble causes. In some cases charges were dropped with orders to repay and in others the courts had no mercy, sentencing the offenders to probation and/or prison time. But it all depended upon the judge, the attorneys and the circumstances.
    In any case, you should expect that criminal charges are very likely to be leveled against you in order to get court orders for you to repay the money and to serve as a deterrent for others who find themselves in the same situation."

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák