
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    móriai balrog titkos naplója
    Első Kor vége:
    A Főnököt marhára elverték a valák.
    Kilakoltattak bennünket.
    Lelépek keletre a hegyekbe.

    1200 évvel később:
    Itt csövezek a Ködhegységben.
    Szar hely.
    A törpök mithrilt bányásznak a fejem felett.
    Hihetetlen nehéz naplót írni, mert folytan elég a kezemben.

    Harmadkor, mittudmén mikor:
    Ezek a barom törpök rám omlasztották a födémet.
    Elég volt. Felmegyek.

    Ugyanabban az évszázadban, este:
    Megettem valami Durin nevű szakállast, meg a fiát.
    Most persze nyavalyognak.
    Lesz itt rend!

    Párszáz évvel később:
    A törpök elhúztak, de orkok jöttek helyettük.
    Ezek legalább nem bányásznak.
    Enyém az alagsor.
    Sokat hörgök és dobogok, a tekintélyem fenntartása céljából.

    A Főnök valamelyik spannja üzent Mordorból, hogy új klubot szervez.
    Lehet, hogy tud nekem valami melót.
    Végre történik valami.

    Valami turisták jöttek a bányába.
    Az egyik lelökött egy kiállítási tárgyat a szemétledobóba.
    Szólok a Kőagyúnak, hogy nevelje már meg őket, ne kelljen felmennem.

    Kinyírták Kőagyút. Gáz.
    Az orkok szart se érnek.
    Megint nekem kell mindent intézni.
    Megyek felfele.

    Ugyanaznap, később:
    Ezek a hülye orkok egész nap dobolnak.
    Így nehéz lesz meglepni azokat ott fent.
    Bárcsak kinyújthatnám egyszer a szárnyamat!

    Lepukkant egy hely ez a Mória.
    Egyet mordulok, ledől a fél folyosó.
    A turisták között van egy csibész Valinorból.
    Most Gandalf álnevet használ. Ismerem, nagy spiller.
    Félek, hogy megszívat.

    Utolértem őket.
    Ásítottam párat, erre ész nélkül menekülnek.
    Ha lenne hely a szárnyamnak, utánuk repülnék.
    Ehelyett most billeghetek ezen a hülye hídon.
    Ilyet is csak részeg törpök építenek.

    Ugyanaznap, később:
    Az öreg kókler kemény gyerek.
    Ráadásul megrongálta a Hidat, ami leszakadt alattam.
    Gáz.. Tudtam, hogy beszopat.

    Fél perccel később:
    Odavágtam egyet a korbáccsal, ez meglepte a vén majmot.
    Esek lefelé, de jön ő is.
    Ha leértünk, folytatom.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    Nem ismeritek a t0bbi titkos naplót?:F
    Bemásolhatok egyet mnden nap, hogy legyen mit olvasnotok...

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    Amúgy kinek mi a véleménye a TTT bővítettről, mármint aki látta? Szerintem fontosabb újításokat hozott mint a FOTR bővítetje, de persze az is nagyon ott volt.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz pilóta #22 üzenetére

    Ja. A bővített előtt a Két Tornyot határozottan gyengébbnek éreztem az első résznél, de mostmár ez elmúlt.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz burgatshow #25 üzenetére

    Amcsiknál most megy moziban mindkét bővített. Nálunk nincs ilyen.
    Szvsz a 2. részre már tanulhattál volna, hogy megvárod DVD-n a bővítettet.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    Akkor elkezdem bemásolgatni a többi naplót. A hogy honnan származnak, arra már sajna nem emlékszem.

    Az a lényeg, hogy mindet kell olvasni, mert nagyon összefüggenek. Kettőt leszámítva angolul lesz...

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    Legolas titkos naplója

    Első nap:
    Elmentem Elrondhoz, a Tanácsra. Én voltam a legszebb az egész gyűlésen. Elvallaltam, hogy elkísérek néhány aprócska embert Mordorba, hogy valami gyűrűt beledobjunk
    egy vulkánba. Nagyon fontos küldetés --az aranygyűrű roppant veszélyes.
    Negyedik nap:
    Boromir nagyon idegesítő. Miért kell állandóan azt az óriási pajzsot viselnie?
    Fölmásztunk a Caradhrasra, de a csira emberek miatt, akik nem tudnak járni a havon, vissza kellett fordulni. Határozottan én vagyok a legszebb a Szövetségben.
    Hatodik nap:
    A Bányában még ahhoz is sötét van, hogy rendesen megfésüljem a hajam. Nagyon félek, hogy gubancos lesz. Az orkok tök hülyék. Még mindig én vagyok a legszebb.
    Tizedik nap:
    Gandalf belezuhant a homályba. Másrészt, azt hiszem, egy pattanás fog nőni az orromra. Ez roppant nagy baj, mivel a tünde-pattanások akár 500 évig is megmaradhatnak.
    Még mindig én vagyok a legszebb, a rohadt ragya ellenére.
    Tizenegyedik nap:
    Lothlórien. Azt hiszem, Galadriel szebb, mint én. Viszont biztos, hogy leutánozta a frizurámat. Én is pont így néztem ki ezer évvel ezelőtt, mint ő most.
    Hülye muff. Totál kiakadt, hogy a tükrös szökőkútjában vettem habfürdőt. Ráadásul azzal vádolt, hogy az én hajamtól dugult el a lefolyója. Hazugság, nyolcszáz
    éve egyetlen hajszálam se hullott ki, miért pont most kezdene el? Messze én vagyok a legszebb.
    30. nap:
    Evezünk, a nagy vízfelület miatt tisztára leégett az arcom. Aragorn szemmel láthatóan különös módon vonzónak találja Frodót. Ha bármivel próbálkozik, Samu megöli. Még mindig én vagyok a legszebb.
    33. nap:
    Boromirt megkísértette a gyűrű. Olyan unalmas már ez az egész. Engem nem tud megkísérteni, nekem mindenem megvan, amit csak akarok (tökéletes haj és kőkemény fenék). Mostanában elég furcsa leveleket kapok egy, magát Staceynek nevező valakitől, aki különböző obszcén dolgokat óhajtana tenni szerénységemmel. Szerencsére itt van a hiper-szuper éles tünde látásom, szóval elszaladhatok, hogyha azt látom, hogy jön.
    35. nap:
    Boromir halott. Elég gázos volt, nem igazán hiányzott most ez. Aragorn megcsókolta, amikor elhunyt. Hát ez nem igaz, az embernek tele kell lövetnie magát nyilakkal, hogy végre történjen valami? Boromir egyáltalán nem volt szebb, mint én. Nem értem. Úgy érzem, balhé lesz. Frodó elhúzott Samuval Mordorba. Milyen cukik ezek a kis emberek, hogy így törődnek egymással. Egészen biztos vagyok benne, hogy bejövök Gimlinek. Tök gáz. Pont a csípőmig ér, szóval lenne előnye is a dolognak, de a vastag copfok és az a nagy sisak totál kiábrándítók.
    Azt hiszem, sötét idők jönnek. Nagyon sötét idők.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz LOTR #33 üzenetére

    Az király lenne. Az alső részt még nem is láttam moziban :(

    Ma nem vagyok otthon, úgyhogy csak holnap másolok be új naplót...

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz Obi-1 #39 üzenetére

    Gimli még odébb van itt egy új:

    A gondori Boromir titkos naploja (bocs, ékezet nélküli, már túl fáradt vagyok, hogy kijavítsam...)

    Elso nap:
    Elmentem Elrondhoz a Tanacsra. Aragorn folenyeskedik, mint mindig. Azt hiszi, hogy olyan nagy arc, csak azert, mert dugja azt a tunde csajt. Szoval, szerintem csak azert, mert valakinek szeles a mellkasa, kidolgozott a teste, es
    napbarnitott arcat ferfias borosta boritja, meg nem kell, hogy ... mit is?
    Egy kicsit eltertem a targytol. Azt hiszem, csatlakoztam valami kuldeteshez, mivel elvonta a figyelmemet Aragorn hatalmas ... bunkosaga.
    Harmadik nap:
    Rohadt gyuru, rohadt kuldetes, rohadt szovetseg.
    Negyedik nap:
    Frodo ma elejtette a gyurut. Folvettem, de Aragorn ramparancsolt, hogy adjam neki vissza. Arrogans fasz. Nem tudom, mit szolna, ha jol tokonvernem
    Gondor Kurtjevel...!
    Rohadt gyuru. `1
    Otodik nap:
    Nyilvanvalo, hogy Aragorn furcsan vonzodik Frodohoz. Ha-ha-ha! Samu megoli, ha valamivel probalkozik.
    Hatodik nap:
    Aragorn meg mindig bele van zugva Frodoba. ''Boromir, add vissza a gyurut _Frodonak_!''
    ''Boromir, hadd vigyem fol _en_ Frodot a Caradhrasra!'' ''Boromir, meg ne probald meg egyszer levagni Frodo fejet, amig o alszik, hogy te ellophasd a
    Baromira idegesit, hogy igy kivetelezik vele.
    Tizedik nap:
    Mert nem belem van belem zugva Aragorn?
    Tizenegyedik nap:
    Kivittem Frodot Moria Banyaibol. Tulajdonkeppen bejon nekem. Remelem, nem lesz belolem perverz hobbitbuzi, mint Windermir bacsikambol. Legalabbis azok utan, ami _vele_ tortent. Kulonben Trufa es Pippin is nagyon kis edes...
    Egyebkent, Gandalf meghalt.
    30. nap:
    Lothlorien. Galadriel eleg jo bor. Tuti, hogy el volt ajulva markans, bar kisse mosdatlan ferfias valomtol. Legolas megfurdott a szokokutjaban, de
    Ha-ha. Nagy tunde seggfej. Szaz szazalek, hogy festi a hajat. Egyebkent, van egy pattanas az orran. Aragorn javasolta, hogy mi is furodjunk meg.
    Sajnos, csak kesobb esett le, hogy nem ugy ertette, hogy egymassal. Hulye Aragorn.
    33. nap:
    Frodo olyan furcsan viselkedik a gyuruvel kapcsolatban. Meg azt se engedi, hogy megnezzem. Jo, persze, tenyleg volt egy kis dulakodas vele, hogy egy pillantast vethessek ra. A foldre tiportam es rajta fekudtem, amig lathatatlanna nem
    Ellenalltam a kisertesnek, hogy atoleljem (kicsit konnyebb volt, miutan jol orrba vagott).
    Feltekennye tettem Aragornt! Ha-ha!
    35. nap:
    Megoltek az orkok.
    Hulye orkok.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz LOTR #43 üzenetére

    Úgy emlékszem, én is fórumokban találtam. De nem tudom hol :(. Meg e-mailben is kaptam.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    A többi angolul van:

    Day One:
    Ringwraiths killed: 4. V. good.
    Met up with Hobbits. Walked forty miles. Skinned a squirrel and ate it.
    Still not King.
    Day Four:
    Stuck on mountain with Hobbits. Boromir really annoying.
    Not King yet.
    Day Six:
    Orcs killed: none. Disappointing. Stubble update: I look rugged and manly. Yes!
    Keep wanting to drop-kick Gimli. Holding myself back.
    Still not King.
    Day Ten:
    Sorry no entries lately. V. dark in Mines of Moria. Big Baelrog.
    Not King today either.
    Day Eleven:
    Orcs killed: 7. V. good. Stubble update: Looking mangy.
    Legolas may be hotter than me.
    I wonder if he would like me if I was King?
    Day 28:
    Beginning to find Frodo disturbingly attractive. Have a feeling if I make a move, Sam would kill me. Also, hairy feet kind of a turn-off.
    Still not King.
    Day 30:
    In Lothlorien. Think Galadriel was hitting on me. Saucy wench.
    Nice chat with Boromir. He's not so bad.
    Took a shower. Yay!
    But still not King.
    Day 32:
    Orcs killed: none. Stubble update: subtly hairy.
    Legolas told me that a shadow and a threat had been growing in his mind. I think Legolas might be kinda gay.
    Nope, not King.
    Day 33:
    Orcs killed: Countless thousands. V. good.
    Boromir killed by Orcs. Bummer. Though he died bravely in my arms, am now quite sure that he was very definitely gay.
    Not so sure about Gimli either.
    RIP Boromir.
    Still not King, but at least Boromir seemed to think I was. Might however have been blood loss.
    Day 34:
    Frodo went to Mordor. Said he was going alone, but took Sam with him. Why?
    My God, is everyone in this movie gay but me?
    Not so sure about me either.
    Still not King, goddammit.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz LOTR #70 üzenetére

    Egy ideje nem voltam neten



    Grr. Argh.


    Faffing about in Rivendell with stuck-up elves v. bad for my digestion. Have asked Elrond to move me to second floor as cannot get into bathroom here without being subjected to sight of hobbits bathing amongst scented candles. Is ridiculous. Got splashed with strawberry bath foam yesterday. On plus side, beard now silky and conditioned.


    Elrond refuses to move my room. Walked in on hobbits again this morning. What WERE they doing with that carrot? Inbred bunch of halfwits, no wonder they can?t even grow decent beards.


    Suspect Aragorn son of Arathorn of being pervy hobbit-fancier. Completely ignoring hottie elf fianc?e in favor of barging about with hairy-footed gnomes in leather breeches. Fortunately I, Gimli son of Gloin, am here to take care of her loneliness.


    Elf women just the right height to keep my ears warm. Go me!


    Have agreed to go on Quest. Arwen getting awfully grabby. Gimli son of Gloin will not be tied down. Would rather spend time with touchy-feely hobbits and poncy elves than hang about Rivendell taking about ?our relationship.?


    V. cold on top of Caradhras. Big fight over who got to carry hobbits up the mountain. Did not participate as was busy showing Legolas how to get hair braided just right. Fight ended when Aragorn picked up Ringbearer and stuffed him in his trousers. That?s right, Isildur?s Heir. Suffocate the Ringbearer. Honestly, these people.


    In Mines of Moria. May have made slight miscalculation, as it seems that cousin Balin has been dead for at least sixty years. Suppose it should have occurred to me that has been a while since last got Christmas card from the Moria folks. Still, cannot be expected to keep track of everything.


    Gandalf fell into shadow. Hobbits used as excuse to have teary cuddlefest on rocks. Suffered manly embrace from Boromir, although he kept jabbing Horn of Gondor into my solar plexus. At least, hope that was the Horn of Gondor. Does not bear thinking about if not.


    Legolas told me Aragorn is way into Frodo. Sam will kill him if he tries anything. Suggested to Legolas that we might want a leader who is less of a lech. Legolas then asked if I wanted to take a bath with him. Beginning to suspect that all that Elvish poetry about the glory of warrior-bonds between men just big cover-up for illicit spanking games.


    In Lothlorien. Galadriel quite the babe. While hobbits off power cuddling and Boromir chasing Aragorn, had time to show her a few dwarf tricks. Nothing fancy, just a bit of Hide the Helmet and Delving In The Mines. V. satisfactory for everyone, except possibly Celeborn. On second thought, maybe that was Celeborn. Cannot much tell difference with elves.


    Left Lothlorien. Have been paddling in boats for days. Am getting v. lonely. Hobbits looking not so bad. Rather cute in fact, despite mullet haircuts. Cannot get near Frodo without getting bitten on kneecaps by Sam, and Pippin dating Boromir, so will see if perhaps Merry wants to take a nice moonlit stroll tonight. Hurrah for warrior-bonds between men.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag


    The Very Secret Diary of Arwen Undomiel

    Day One

    Broke up with Aragorn today. He would insist on giving me a clay pipe and a pair of breeches for Valentine?s Day when I specifically requested a nightie. Have sent him away from Rivendell.

    Day Two

    Bored and lonely. Regret having sent Aragorn away. So what if he wanted me to dress up in a curly wig and hop around on my knees during intimate moments? Am sure other humans have equally odd hangups. Wish I could be interested in Elf men, but ever since debacle with Glorfindel back in Second Age when he accused me of copying his hairstyle, have given up on my own kind.

    Day Three

    Someone?s been trying on my dresses again. They are all stretched out of shape, especially the purple one.

    Day Six

    Legolas got all shirty when I accused him of trying on my dresses. He says I have impugned his masculinity. What masculinity?

    Day Eleven

    Legolas still sulking. Says other elves making fun of him now since whole dress-trying-on-incident. Says they no longer take him seriously as a man. He must have missed it when Daddy called him ?the gayest gay elf that ever nanced down the pike? at last Council meeting. Or maybe he just didn?t understand it; he?s awfully pretty, but not so bright.

    Day Thirteen

    Too, too, too bored. Perhaps will leave Rivendell in search of adventure, or shopping.

    Day Fifteen

    Went all the way to the Gap of Rohan only to find there is no Gap in Rohan. Not even a Banana Republic. False advertising!

    Day Seventeen

    Went to Bree. Asked Barliman if had seen Aragorn lately. Barliman said, ?What, that pervy hobbit-fancier?? Told him he must be thinking of other Aragorn son of Arathorn. He said, ?The ?Still Not King guy, right?? Did not respond; some people don?t deserve my conversation.

    Day Eighteen

    Have been following Aragorn for two days now. Have never really seen hobbits close up before. Suddenly business with curly wig and prosthetic feet starting to make sense. V. annoyed. Slow burn.

    Day Twenty

    Doesn?t he ever wash his hair when I?m not around?

    Day Twenty-Four

    Is official. Aragorn a complete pervy hobbit-fancier. Is obviously into little blue-eyed hobbit Frodo. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

    Day Twenty-Five

    Cornered Sam while he was out looking for herbs. Explained to him exactly how was possible to kill human men instantly and silently using just a fork and a rubber band. Turned him around, gave him little push in Aragorn?s direction... alas no dice. ?But we need him to protect Frooodo, scary elf lady!?

    Whingy little hobbit, I?ve no patience at all.

    Day Twenty-Six

    Finally decided to take care of Aragorn myself; was about to slit his cheating throat when was distracted by howling moans of Ringbearer. Decided to annoy Aragorn by hobbit-napping bite-sized hero and taking him for extended pony ride.

    Little hobbit really rather adorable, blast him.

    Cannot believe am getting all swoony over hobbit. Repeat to self: ?Aloof, unavailable elf princess. Aloof, unavailable elf princess.? Especially cannot believe am getting all swoony over greenish-looking, half-dead hobbit.

    Day Twenty-Seven

    Chased by Ringwraiths. So tedious. Off to Rivendell.

    Day Twenty-Nine

    Well, really. Cannot even get near Ringbearer, as Sam is always there, plus caught Aragorn sneaking around in shrubbery by hobbits? quarters. Claimed he was looking for shard of Narsil he had misplaced.

    Day Thirty

    Hobbits such a bother. Kitchen staff fussing ? all out of carrots. Bathroom staff fussing ? all out of strawberry scented bath bubbles. Legolas fussing ? will not let me go to Council meeting as then he will not be prettiest. Strain is obviously getting to Daddy. Asked me yesterday in haggard manner whether I thought purple suited his complexion. Told him of course not, he is so obviously an autumn.

    Day Thirty-Two

    Spent all day hanging about on bridge looking pretty before Aragorn happened along. Accused him point-blank of hobbit-fancying. He told me that Isildur had been a pervy hobbit-fancier, and he was just trying to build his career in a similar fashion. Told him: ?You are Isildur?s heir, not Isildur himself.? To which he replied, ''If only you were a bit shorter, and had bigger feet.?

    Day Forty

    Spent quite the night with Gimli. Those braids! That axe! I am smitten. No more hobbits for me, it is dwarves all the way now. Well, perhaps might just pop by one last time to watch Sam give Frodo his bath. After all, I didn?t filch that bathroom key out of Aragorn?s pocket for nothing.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    The Very Secret Diary of Legolas

    Day One: Whee!

    Day Two: I like to run!

    Day Three: I look good when I run!

    Day Four: I also look good standing still. Running across Riddermark v. good excercise. I swear my butt has just gotten firmer. Is that even possible?

    Day Six: Is Gimli staring at my butt?

    Day Seven: No wonder he's always lagging behind.

    Day Eight: Unnerving moment when bumped into Eomer. Thought he might be prettier than me until he took off helmet. Fortunately he looks like an aardvark. He hit on Gimli but I warned him right off. Nobody tries it on with my dwarf.

    Am still the prettiest.

    Day Nine: Pile of dead and smoking Orc corpses so not pretty. Aragorn showed off and went on and on regarding hobbits laying about tied up. Do not know why he thinks kinky hobbit games so important.

    Still prettiest.

    Day Ten: Bother! Fangorn Forest. Leaf mold terrible for my complexion.

    Still prettiest but a bit on clammy, unwashed side.

    Day Eleven: Bumped into Gandalf who is all sparkly white now. Asked him, ''Who do you have to blow to get last bottle of bleach in Middle Earth anyway?'' Gandalf said, ''The Balrog.'' So not worth it.

    Am rethinking, though. Roots are showing.

    Still prettiest although at this rate for how long?

    Day Twelve: Asked Gandalf for Balrog's number. Gandalf said I couldn't call him. I told him not to be jealous and posessive. He said he wasn't, it was just that he killed Balrog last week.

    Note to self: never date Gandalf.

    Day Fifteen: Arrived in Edoras. V. upset. Suspect Eowyn may be prettier than me. Most unexpected as always thought shield-maidens were more hefty, pear-shaped types.

    Not the prettiest! V. bitter.

    Day Nineteen: Aragorn stood up to Theoden today. Aragorn so butch. Have goosebumps.

    Day Twenty: Poke bonnet absolutely hideous. No longer even remotely pretty. Considering suicide.

    Day Twenty-seven: Exeunt Aragorn, pursued by wolves of Isengard. On con side: Am stuck with ugly necklace. On pro side: No longer have to wear poke bonnet. Am pretty again!

    Day Twenty-nine: Aragorn back. Apparently taking header off cliff not as deadly as one would have thought. Told him to throw me down and shag me senseless, but he just clapped me on the shoulder in a manly fashion and said, ''Yeah, it can get a little chapped sometimes but just put some lotion on it.''

    Aragorn just kind of a wanker, really.

    Day Twenty-Nine: Battle of Helm's Deep so embarassing. If was not bad enough to face thought of death at the hands of smelly Orcs in backwater rural province, have now been saved at zero hour by Haldir showing up with really bad weave.

    On plus side, Eowyn stuck in rancid cave. Perhaps will develop cave blight. Then I will be prettiest forever.

    Day Thirty Battle over. Gandalf always fashionably late it seems. Hopes for after-battle quickie dashed because Aragorn sulking over postcard from Faramir. Is jealous over Ringbearer. Told him Sam will kill Faramir if he tries anything but Aragorn not cheered up.

    Sod him. Have received suggestive note from Eomer. Will go see if what they say about men of Riddermark is actually true.

    No one has bothered to get Eowyn out of cave yet. Still the prettiest by far!

  • _Gudella

    senior tag


    Am bored. No cable in Isengard. Nothing to do but write rude anonymous letters to Radagast the Brown and Manfred the Slightly Ecru.

    Perhaps will have a look at the palantir.

    Have met v. nice guy via palantir. He seems to really like me for me and not just because am most powerful wizard in Middle Earth. Wonder what he looks like.

    Am becoming disenchanted with palantir guy. Refuses to send me photo, except of one v. large eyeball. Says he is shy but I rather suspect he is fat, or perhaps hairy. Have heard some v. bad stories about palantir relationships. Should probably cool it for a while.

    Well, wouldn't you know, palantir guy turned out to be Dark Lord of Mordor. Just my luck. Could have been worse, I guess. Sauron not far or hairy, just disembodied force of evil. Must go now, have to raise massive demon army to scourge the earth. Also, have manicure appointment. Is no easy task keeping nails pointy.

    Typical. Gandalf just came waltzing by and he knows I hate drop-ins. Wanted to yap on and on all about the ring he gave his new boyfriend, terrible pervy hobbit-fancier old Gandalf is. Disgrace to the Order. Just wants to show off and remind me that he's got a hobbit, and I'm just dating an eyeball. Well, Saruman the White does not stand for this treatment. Showed him my Wizard Wrestling Federation moves. Have delivered smackdown. Go me.

    Am tired of climbing up and down eight million stairs just to taunt Gandalf. Should have imprisoned him in easy-access dungeon where could taunt more effectively, and would not have to wait until after breakfast.

    All right, who's been spitting gum down on the orcs? Honestly.

    Was right in middle of really good taunt and Gandalf escaped. Ah well. Will save me daily stair climb.

    Have been watching in palantir. Gandalf faffed off on extending camping trip with four hobbits, a v. buff elf, and rather fanciable human -- oh bother, that's Aragorn son of Arathorn. Once threw him out of Isengard for whinging about not being King yet. Then there's a shady-looking character and some kind of hairy newt. Or maybe it's a dwarf.

    What a bunch of yobbos.

    Have crossed orcs with goblin men in caverns below Isengard. V. tedious experience as orcs and goblin men most reluctant to breed, even with dinner and flowers. Next time will try something easier, such as breeding goblins and cheerleaders to create super-perky army that can travel by day and will not complain about pink uniforms.


    Did not know when decided to make demon army forSauron that would be so darn messy. Curse my decision to be Saruman the White. Should have decided to be Saruman the Muddy Brown, or Saruman the Faintly Greenish. White just shows all the slime.

    If keep watching in palantir, perhaps will see Gandalf do pointy hat trick?

    Gandalf did pointy hat trick! Ringbearer v. impressed. Aragorn obviously fancies trousers off the Ringbearer. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

    Hairy newt is most definitely dwarf. Caught him playing hide-the-helmet with one of the hobbits. Other human seems to be Boromir of Gondor. Am I only one who has long wanted to ride to Minas Tirith and tell Steward that ''Gondor'' sounds just like ''gonad'' and they should find less silly name? Perhaps it is just me.

    Uruk-hai nearly ready to go. Watched Fellowship a bit today. Boromir convinced smallest hobbit to ''Blow the Horn of Gondor.'' Have not laughed so hard since set Balrog up with Gandalf during Second Age and Gandalf stuck Balrog with restaurant bill. Palantir great. Better than cable.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz LOTR #115 üzenetére

    Csütörtökön 15:00-kor nézük egy csomóan a suliból

    Már tűkön ülök....

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz DaSilva #126 üzenetére

    Láttam! Nagyon ott volt. Nem mesélek mert gondolom sokan még nem nézték...

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz _Gudella #127 üzenetére

    Upsz, ez most félreérthető volt, nem a cikkről beszéltem, azt nem láttam nem is fogom, hanem a filmről! Véletlen ment arra válaszként :B

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz Tütüm #248 üzenetére

    Én csak olyat tudok, ahonnan a teljes angol szövegkönyvet tudod leszedni.

  • _Gudella

    senior tag

    válasz Elanor #259 üzenetére

    Király, pont most jutott eszembe, hogy kellenének ilyen uruk-hai-os képek

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