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    válasz VINIKOR #7188 üzenetére

    No, valami alap:

    There are big differences between the Holy Bible and the Qur'an:

    - Not Ismael but Isaac is the heir of Abraham (Moses 21: 10-14)
    - Jesus said that all points of the Old Testament would come true (Matthew's Gospel: 5:17-18)
    When Jesus said that the Holy Bible and Christianity didn't exist yet, there were only Old Testament writings.

    These prophecies haven't come true yet:
    One is the war of Gog and Magog (prophet Ezekiel chapter 38-39) which will be a big war in the Middle East in which God will aid Israel with huge (szerintem ez így nem hangzik jól, bár magyarul se) signs. Then all nations on Earth will admit that God is with Israel.

    The other one is the return of the Messiah (prophet Zechariach chapter 14), when the Messiah (Jesus) returns to Jerusalem and saves the Jude from the military attack.

    Don't be angry when I say that if Mohamed had been a true prophet he would have considered the Holy Bible the only true book.

    Mondjuk nem vagyok a Biblia nagy szakértője, de amit én találtam Zakariás 14. fejezetéből, abban nincs szó Messiásról, csak az Úrról, de lehet, hogy én néztem rossz fordítást.

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