
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • customer114

    senior tag

    válasz Miertvansote #24265 üzenetére

    The day before yesterday we've been on our regular, weekly lecture. At the end of it the techer asked us out to have a cuple glasses with him/her to the pub nearby as an end-of-year closure and also have some chat with him/her in the meanwhile, whether we have the mood for it. We accepted his/her invitation and went to the pub, however I had left my car in the parking lot - since I also wanted to have some drinks - and let one of my friend lift me to the pub. In the pub the urge became so overwhelming in her that he also poured down a couple glasses of wine through her throat. We agreed on that we left her car in the city and will use my car to go home. We we finally finished drinking we picked up the car and drove next to mine to swap them. At the moment we arrived to the lot, we realised that it has been already closed, so we can't go home by my car. The final solution of these unusual series of events was that before I went home (by her car), I had lifted her home.

    Nem olvastam át, csak megírtam. Az múltidőkben lehet hiba. Illetve te fordításod se olvastam el. :D

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