

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • RobbyJr


    válasz biker #181 üzenetére

    Tyűha, ez nem hangzik jól. :( Biztos lesz 1 héten belüli patch.
    Ha nekem nagyon nem fog bejönni, akkor megyek a visszatérítésre...

    Nincs lehetetlen, csak maximum Te nem akarod eléggé!

  • biker


    válasz biker #181 üzenetére

    írtam egyet a discordra, nem engedi beküldeni. kiraktam a központi FB csoportba

    So, just testing for half hour, tried to set up controller and graphic. it is a nightmare. Controller setting contains some non-rebindable buttons, and as I use SRM Fanatec emulator on DIY wheel, it forces me to use numbered buttons which I don't have, need to use mouse in menu.
    In any case, need advice to reach good grphic. I have issues with stutters more often if leave the road or going to crash to any obstacle, it is lagging and start stuttering, as an unpredicted frame generation. if drive on the predicted line, there are no stutters, if leave the track, or make unpredicted handbrake turn, it start stuttering. Like it is prerendering frames, and suddenly drop everything start render again.
    Performace issue: i have a "good PC", I mean i5-11600K with 32GB 3600MHz ram, and an RTX 3070ti ftw3 ultra, on 2040MHz. 3144x1440 21:9 ultrawide with DLDSR (the monitor is 2560x1080), by this I play ACC and DR2.0 100-120 sometimes higher fps. This game, I play with 60-70fps without DLSS. AA is high, medium makes flashing texture edges like hell. need high, epic or cinematic. Epic makes 50-60fps, cinematic is sub 50fps. with 99% GPU load. Ok, I tried with DLSS, on balanced, and on auto, the result? The same shitty 60-70 (ok sometimes 80) fps, and the gpu load drops to 75%. So not make the FPS higher, like in all games, just decrease the gpu load. What a hell?
    And please EA, tell me, why on earth I can not type my own nickname? I dont want to choose from the 30-40 random idiot nicknames from the game, I type my full name, and want to type my nickname. Also would be nice, if I can test the codriver without select, ok, start game, drive, back to menu etc. Is that so hard to put a button next to codriver selector as "play sample"???
    If someone knows how to set up Fanatec CSL DD well, would welcome :)
    Oh, I just forgot. The mixing of menu elements from DR2.0 and F1 series. is a hell. and regarding the FOV, crazy developers, if there is a slider is 0-100 values, and there is a hint for 0 means 18deg, and 100 means 68deg, would it be so hard to make ONE (uno, ein) extra line into the code, that displays the slider in degrees? 18-68 degree? Is that so hard coding task???? If yes, you are fired, and get a "webdavalopper" job instead. I can't beleive this can happen.
    Waiting so hard for the first update batch :(

    Elektromos autó töltő berendezések | Mesterséges növényvilágítás | Mai ajánlatunk: www.gerisoft.hu | www.e-autotoltokabel.hu | www.agrar-vilagitas.hu |

  • Találtgyerek


    válasz biker #181 üzenetére

    Procit mennyire dolgoztatja, amikor visszaesik a load 75%-ra?
    Tapadás milyen murván a DR 2.0-hoz képest?


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