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  • HiperG


    A két 64 bites technológia között - bár kompatibilisek egymással - van néhány különbség:

    >Could you publish list of differences between amd64 and ia32e?
    >I probably could took those two 300+ page documents and try to compare
    >them by hand, but I believe you know already.
    > Pavel

    Other than the standard IA-32 differences (eg. HT, SSE3, Intel Enhanced
    SpeedStep, etc.), there are few differences between the implementations
    IA-32e and AMD64. The software visible ones are:

    Fast system calls:
    Syscall/sysret is supported only in 64-bit mode (not in compatibility
    mode). Sysenter/Sysexit is supported in both 64-bit and compatible

    If you look at Table 2-8 of Volume 1, you will find IA-32e specific
    including, GenuineIntel, HT, SSE3, monitor/mwait, Intel Enhanced
    and cmpxchg16b.

    The function 8000_0001h doesn't duplicate standard-feature bits from
    function 1 in EDX. It sets only the new features that are implemented.

    Not all MSRs are architectural, and IA-32e does not implement SYSCFG,
    TOP_MEM, TOP_MEM2, for example. MSR usage should be vendor specific
    be guarded with CPUID.Model

    IA-32e always saves all of the FP state on FXSAVE/FXRSTOR. Does not
    support FXSAVE/FXRSTOR with reduced FP state.

    Microcode Update:
    IA-32e supports microcode update as the 32-bit mode does, as you
    found the discussions in the mailing list.

    NX (No-Execute) bit:
    Initial implementation will not support the NX bit.

    BSF/BSR when source is 0 & operand size is 32:
    In 64-bit mode, the processor sets ZF, and the upper 32 bits of
    the destination are undefined. Should always check the ZF or do not
    32-bit operand size.

    Near branch with 66H prefix:
    As documented in PRM the behavior is implementation specific and
    avoid using 66H prefix on near branches.

    Not supported in IA-32e
    3DNow instructions (including prefecthw or prefetch with the opcode 0f



  • klepto


    válasz HiperG #1 üzenetére

    Egészségedre :P
    Ez igencsak husszú köhögés, vagy torok köszörülés volt :U
    Leírnád ezt érthető, emberi nyelven is :F :DDD

    Ha magányosnak érzed magad, indíts el egy horror filmet és kapcsold le a villanyt. Egyből nem érzed majd magad egyedül ;)

  • emvy


    Itt egyetlen dolog a lényeges: hogy az NX bitet nem támogatják (első körben).

    A többi lényegtelen apróság.

    while (!sleep) sheep++;

Aktív témák