
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • gulasoft


    válasz Tyrone89 #54418 üzenetére

    Ez tök jó, egy csomó mindent a kamera látószögén kívül csinál. Hagy helyet a képzeletnek :-)


  • AeSDé Team


    válasz Tyrone89 #54418 üzenetére

    Írt a komment szekcióban egy egész hosszú véleményt is:

    Thoughts so far after having used it for about 4 hours is that it is a huge step up from a quest 1. It is a decent step up from a quest 2. I have had a few games crash on me and so far I can't get virtual desktop to work with it. Virtual desktop recognizes it as a quest pro so that might be some of the issue. The fan that exhausts the hot air is a big improvement as my face doesn't feel like a total sauna after using. The passthrough video is pretty decent and feels natural unless you start moving your hands near your face. You need a pretty bright room if you don't want grainy pass through video. The refresh rate is 90 Hz at the moment and I haven't figured out if there is a way to get it to 120 hz. Tracking is surprisingly decent on the controllers. It is still heavy in the front but is slightly better balanced. I am averaging about 2.5 hours on a charge which is in line with their advertising. I wasn't playing any heavy games. I think the most demanding was population 1. My elite strap didn't ship so must have been some mistake that they shipped the unit early. I'm not complaining. If you have any other questions let me know.

    - akku idő nála kb. 2.5 óra
    - a 120hz még nem elérhető
    - VD még nem ismeri fel
    - arcot nyomja, de azért jobb mint az elődök
    - ventillátor szerinte előrelépés, és kevésbé izzad le. Ez a pont szerintem érdekes, mert venti a Q1&Q2-ben is volt. Lehetséges hogy itt a facial interface-en belül is keringeti a levegőt?

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