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  • REDeath


    válasz pendulo #5070 üzenetére

    lépjetek be csökkentett módba a "titkos" :) rendszergazdai fiókba, majd ott állítsátok át akármelyik profil jelszavát, a vezérlőpult->felhasználói fiókok menünél.

    Kodály mondta volt: "Legyen a zene mindenkié". en inkabb neki hiszek, mint az ASVAnak

  • montressor

    aktív tag

    válasz pendulo #5070 üzenetére


    OOO most akkor hogy is van? Ha van egy fiokod, amibe be tudsz lepni, akkor belepsz.

    Elinditod a regeditet rendszergazdakent...

    Ha nincs rendszergazda joga a ennek a fiokodnak, akkor ha van total commandered rakattintasz, h kozben nyomod a shiftet, es ott valaszd a 'futtatas mint' opciot, itt adj meg rendszergazda felhasznalot/jelszot (ez ugye menni fog, mert angol a billcsid, ha jol ertettem).
    (A totalcommander csak ahhoz kell, h rendszergazda jogokkal fusson a regedit)
    Beirod a parancssorba regedit es megmahinalod ezek szerint:

    A. You can change the keyboard layout using the keyboard control panel applet (start - settings - control panel - keyboard - Input Locales) however this does not affect the layout used during logon (which is by default English (United States)). To change this perform the following:
    Start the registry editor (regedit.exe)
    Move to HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\Preload
    Double click on 1 and change the number to your local layout (you could get this by looking at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout\Preload1). Click OK
    You may also change HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International\Locale to this value however it is not mandatory to do so.
    Close the registry editor
    Logoff and then on again

    Make sure you select a country code that has been installed via the control panel or your system will not boot.

    A table of the codes to the countries is given below:00000402 Bulgarian
    0000041a Croatian
    00000405 Czech
    00000406 Danish
    00000413 Dutch (Standard)
    00000813 Dutch (Belgian)
    00000409 English (United States)
    00000809 English (United Kingdom)
    00001009 English (Canadian)
    00001409 English (New Zealand)
    00000c09 English (Australian)
    0000040b Finnish
    0000040c French (Standard)
    0000080c French (Belgian)
    0000100c French (Swiss)
    00000c0c French (Canadian)
    00000407 German (Standard)
    00000807 German (Swiss)
    00000c07 German (Austrian)
    00000408 Greek
    0000040e Hungarian
    0000040f Icelandic
    00001809 English (Irish)
    00000410 Italian (Standard)
    00000810 Italian (Swiss)
    00000414 Norwegian (Bokmal)
    00000814 Norwegian (Nynorsk)
    00000415 Polish
    00000816 Portuguese (Standard)
    00000416 Portuguese (Brazilian)
    00000418 Romanian
    00000419 Russian
    0000041b Slovak
    00000424 Slovenian
    0000080a Spanish (Mexican)
    0000040a Spanish (Traditional Sort)
    00000c0a Spanish (Modern Sort)
    0000041d Swedish
    0000041f Turkish

    These can also be seen in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout\DosKeybCodes


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