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  • Bujdy81

    aktív tag

    43 éves lett a triatlon

    A harmadik helyezett Dave Orlowsky-t idén veszítettük el. Akkor még nem volt mindenkinek karbon bicaja:

    "The night before the event I took a scissors and cut off a pair of blue jeans so I would have shorts with pockets to stick money in for stopping to get food or drink. I had a Marine support vehicle that was supporting three people and did not know when they would be around. There were no aid stations so my nutrition consisted of stopping at gas stations and eating Hershey bars, water, coca cola, juice. I did stop to eat at a McDonalds and had a burger, fries and shake as well as stopped at a grocery store. At the grocery store I had to park my bike outside the store and worried whether it would get stolen while I was inside getting food,"

    Like the original slogan said: Swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, run 26.2 miles, brag for the rest of your life!

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