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  • Tizio


    válasz Angelo_ #4230 üzenetére

    azért lefutattam:

    login as: root
    root@'s password:
    [root@Asus root]$ ipkg list_installed
    adduser - 1.10.3-1 - a multi-call binary for login and user account administration
    bzip2 - 1.0.5-1 - Very high-quality data compression program
    cyrus-sasl-libs - 2.1.22-2 - Provides client or server side authentication (see RFC 2222).
    e2fslibs - 1.41.1-1 - Ext2 Filesystem Libraries
    e2fsprogs - 1.41.1-1 - Ext2 Filesystem Utilities
    gdbm - 1.8.3-2 - GNU dbm is a set of database routines that use extensible hashing. It works similar to the standard UNIX dbm routines.
    glib - 2.12.13-1 - The GLib library of C routines.
    ipkg - 0.99.149-2 - lightweight package management system
    libdb - 4.2.52-3 - Berkeley DB Libraries
    libuclibc++ - 0.2.2-8 - C++ standard library designed for use in embedded systems
    libxml2 - 2.7.1-1 - Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project.
    libxslt - 1.1.24-1 - An XML Stylesheet processor based on libxml2
    lighttpd - 1.4.19-5 - A fast webserver with minimal memory footprint.
    mc - 4.6.1-3 - Midnight Commander File Manager
    openldap-libs - 2.3.43-1 - Open Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    openssl - 0.9.7m-4 - Openssl provides the ssl implementation in libraries libcrypto and libssl, and is needed by many other applications and librari
    pcre - 7.8-1 - Perl-compatible regular expression library
    php - 5.2.6-2 - The php scripting language
    php-fcgi - 5.2.6-1 - The php scripting language, built as an fcgi module
    slang - 2.1.4-1 - S-Lang is a multi-platform library designed to allow a developer to create robust multi-platform software.
    uclibc-opt - 0.9.28-13 - micro C library for embedded Linux systems
    vsftpd - 2.0.7-1 - ftp daemon with an emphasis on speed and security
    xinetd - 2.3.14-8 - Highly configurable, modular and secure inetd
    zlib - 1.2.3-3 - zlib is a library implementing the 'deflate' compression system.
    Successfully terminated.

    [root@Asus root]$ ipkg list installed
    Successfully terminated.
    [root@Asus root]$

    Város: Budaörs Tudnod kell, ha valami ingyen van, ott te vagy az áru!

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