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  • róland


    válasz róland #1136 üzenetére

    S egy bővebb leírás: ''I have installed the Windows XP Driver for my Pinnacle PCTV Stereo under Windows Vista RC1, but when you can't see the picture on live TV, and when you're not watching it you get the current channel's sound through the line-in even when PCTV Vision is not up. If you want to install it anyway, insert the original PCTV Stereo installation disk that came with your card, and instead of letting it autoplay, go to My Computer, browse to your CD/DVD drive and right click on SETUP.EXE. Click Properties, and then go to the compatability tab. Check the box that says Run This Program in Compatability mode for: and then select Windows XP SP 2 from the menu. Click OK, and run SETUP.EXE as you normally would. note that Windows Defender blocks some programs at startup from Pinnacle but I haven't been able to find out what. The best advice I can give is dual boot Windows XP with Windows Vista and use XP for the TV Tuner card.
    ''. Talán ez nagyobb segítség. A lényege, hogy ne engedjük automatikusan elindulni a telepítőt, hanem megkeresve a Setup.exe állományt, azt WInXP SP2 kompatibilis módban futtassuk.; Három emeleten át egy teljes liftrapszódiát játszik!

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