Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • duvi


    Elite: Dangerous Wings 1.2 (Wings content update) incoming
    "Hi everyone,

    The Wings content update (Elite: Dangerous 1.2) will be available for download shortly. The Galaxy servers will be down from 3PM GMT for approximately 2 hours to let us apply the update. Thanks again to everyone who took part in the beta test.

    Here's the change log in full... Some good reading for the two hours where the servers are down:

    New Content/Features:

    - Wings functionality added
    - Added playable ship: Fer-de-Lance
    - Added playable ship: Vulture
    - Comms interface overhaul
    - Added AI Groups
    - Added ability to reboot destroyed sub systems (modules)
    - Flyable debug camera with limited range added (CTRL+ALT+SPACE)

    Stability Fixes:

    - Fix issue in low level animation code
    - Prevent crash trying to get kinematic outputs from non live ships when spawning limpet debris
    - Prevent crash when shadow lights are being shut down
    - Fix crash in beam weapons
    - Fix a crash when trying to create asteroids in transition locations
    - Prevent crash on Anaconda creation with damage regions not correctly initialised
    - Fix for asteroid ring soft-lock
    - Fix for unreleased dynamic material set on shutdown
    - Crash dereferencing an invalid interface on shutdown fixed
    - Fix for crash on entering WOLFPACK TACTICS and SUPPLY STRIKE tutorials
    - Prevent crash when there is a null surface for a planet
    - Fix for game crashing whenever we mouse-over an AFM in outfitting

    Tweaks & Fixes: ..."

    (#7216) rtitusz
    Vigyázzatok az új hajókkal! Tegnap este még volt egy durva bug, amit azóta nem javítottak a bétában. Hibásan jelzi ki a hajó hőmérsékletét a hud! 66%-nál (valójában 100% ekkor) már jön a kritikus hőmérésélet figyelmeztetés, 85%-tól pedig sérül a hajó! Remélem, hogy az éles verzióban már javítva lesz, de ha mégse, akkor harc közben megsüthetjük a frissen vásárolt hajónkat!

    [ Szerkesztve ]

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák