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    válasz McNamara #96 üzenetére

    Desmond meghalt.
    Azt is elmondták a nyilatkozók, hogy mostmár bárki hozzáférhet bárki memóriájához, ezért tudunk "idegenként" Desmond vérvonalában túrkálni.

    Itt elmondják azt is, hogy már az ACIII-ban is volt erre példa: a stáblista után újra Connorral hogy lehettünk Connorral, ha Desmond meghalt ugyebár...hát úgy, hogy egy "idegen" is hozzáfért a memóriákhoz.

    Since you're not part of Desmond's family line, fans may raise an eyebrow at the fact that a non-relative can experience the memories of another. Ubisoft assures there are story foundations for this teased in AC III. The most likely scenario would seem to be tied to Desmond's conversation with his father, William, late in the game after the old man is rescued from Abstergo. When Desmond asks if the Templars got to him, William replies that he was able to resist, but it may not have been enough. "I know they've been working on ways to extract memories and let others sift through those memories," he says. "Maybe they're even analyzing mine right now."

    William's fears are confirmed after the end credits, when players begin controlling Connor as someone other than Desmond. An unknown voice directs your quest to find pivots within the Animus. Once you're successful, the voice celebrates, "Holy crap. We did it. It's done. His data's uploading to the cloud. Vegas baby! Vegas!" The player's real-life gamertag is then shown to be "synchronized with the cloud." Is this William Miles' data? Is the voice on the line an employee of Abstergo Entertainment?

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