
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Gergi

    aktív tag

    válasz Smiley #79977 üzenetére

    A logot csak átfutottam telepítés után, de nem láttam benne semmi feltűnő hibát.
    Még annyit csináltam ma reggel, hogy safe mode-ban elindítottam a Mojave-t és úgy próbáltam frissíteni, de az eredmény ugyanaz. :(
    Ma este nekiugrok még egyszer és átbogarászom a logokat, hátha meglesz, hogy mi a baja...

  • Gergi

    aktív tag

    válasz Smiley #79977 üzenetére

    Az install.log végén ezt találtam:

    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: IASClearInstallProgress: Clearing Registry
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
    ConclusionDelay = 0;
    InstallPhase = "IOKit Boot";
    InstallPhasePercentageKey = 4;
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "IOKit Boot"
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
    ConclusionDelay = 0;
    InstallPhase = "IOKit Boot";
    InstallPhasePercentageKey = 4;
    ConclusionDelay = "-1";
    InstallPhase = "loginwindow Boot";
    InstallPhasePercentageKey = 96;
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: IASGetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases = (
    ConclusionDelay = 0;
    InstallPhase = "IOKit Boot";
    InstallPhasePercentageKey = 4;
    ConclusionDelay = "-1";
    InstallPhase = "loginwindow Boot";
    InstallPhasePercentageKey = 96;
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: IASGetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name is "IOKit Boot"
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: phaseName = IOKit Boot
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: _currentPhase = "<IASPPhase: 0x7f92add075e0: 'IOKit Boot', percentage 4.0, delay 0>", _phases = (
    "<IASPPhase: 0x7f92add075e0: 'IOKit Boot', percentage 4.0, delay 0>",
    "<IASPPhase: 0x7f92add03b20: 'loginwindow Boot', percentage 96.0, delay -1>"
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Progress app is loading…
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Progress app is running…
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Showing Progress UI
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: There are 0 window(s) and 1 display(s), 1 window(s) will be added
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Created a window at {{0, 0}, {1440, 900}}
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Status is ""
    2019-10-09 17:16:57+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Alternate status is ""
    2019-10-09 17:16:58+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Setting window alpha values to 0.0
    2019-10-09 17:16:58+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Ordering windows front
    2019-10-09 17:16:58+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Ordering windows front
    2019-10-09 17:16:58+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Setting window alpha values to 1.0
    2019-10-09 17:16:58+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Done with phase = "IOKit Boot"
    2019-10-09 17:16:58+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "loginwindow Boot"
    2019-10-09 17:17:00+02 Gergi-Air loginwindow[91]: ISAP: Done with Phase "loginwindow Boot"
    2019-10-09 17:17:00+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Done with phase = "loginwindow Boot"
    2019-10-09 17:17:00+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: IASClearInstallProgress: Clearing Registry
    2019-10-09 17:17:01+02 Gergi-Air loginwindow[91]: ISAP: hide progress UI called
    2019-10-09 17:17:01+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Hiding Progress UI
    2019-10-09 17:17:01+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Setting window alpha values to 0.0
    2019-10-09 17:17:01+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Ordering windows out
    2019-10-09 17:17:02+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Quitting: There are no connected processes and there is no UI showing
    2019-10-09 17:17:02+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Quiting Progress App
    2019-10-09 17:17:02+02 Gergi-Air Installer Progress[69]: Setting window alpha values to 0.0
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdate_notify_agent[417]: Handling notification event: LoginDone
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdate_notify_agent[417]: AssertionMgr: Take assertion with type BackgroundTask for pid 417, id 0x813A
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdated[418]: softwareupdated: Starting with build 10.14.6 (18G103)
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdated[418]: authorizeWithEmptyAuthorizationForRights: Requesting provided rights: 1
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdated[418]: /Library/Bundles does not exist - watching for directory creation
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdated[418]: Previous System Version : 10.14.6 (18G103), Current System Version : 10.14.6 (18G103)
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdated[418]: Adding client SUUpdateServiceClient pid=417, uid=502, installAuth=NO rights=(), transactions=0 (/System/Library/CoreServices/Software
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdated[418]: xpc_add_bundle /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SoftwareUpdate.framework/XPCServices/ManualProductStasherService.xpc
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdate_notify_agent[417]: Notifying with params: {
    UpdateNotificationsOnly = 1;
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdate_notify_agent[417]: appstoreupdateagent notified
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdate_notify_agent[417]: AssertionMgr: Cancel assertion for pid 417, id 0x813A
    2019-10-09 17:17:47+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdated[418]: BackgroundActivity: Activity check-in with Interval 21600
    2019-10-09 17:17:51+02 Gergi-Air softwareupdated[418]: Adding client SUUpdateServiceClient pid=426, uid=502, installAuth=NO rights=(), transactions=0 (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/storeassetd)
    2019-10-09 17:17:52+02 Gergi-Air storeassetd[426]: Query for available updates: FINISHED

    [ Szerkesztve ]

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák