
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • vmarci21


    válasz fatpingvin #4 üzenetére

    Cambridge Dictionary:
    someone who gets into other people's computer systems without permission in order to find out information or to do something illegal

    Oxford Dictionary:
    a person who uses computers to get access to data in somebody else's computer or phone system without permission.

    A person who attempts to gain unauthorized access, esp. remotely, to a computer system or network (= computer hacker), or (in earliest use) a telephone network. Later also: a person who gains unauthorized access to another's telephone communications or data;

    Úgy hogy én itt a cikkben nem látom a hibát, jelenleg az a szó jelentése, amire a cikkben is használták. Mert ugye a beszélt (nem kihalt) nyelveknek van egy olyan tulajdonsága, hogy folyamatosan változnak - egyes szavak kikopnak, újak jelennek meg, vagy akár egyes szavak jelentései meg is változhatnak - mint például a mostani esetben...
    A Wikipedia meg is jegyzi ezt a jelentésbeli változást is:
    The mainstream media's current usage of the term may be traced back to the early 1980s. When the term, previously used only among computer enthusiasts, was introduced to wider society by the mainstream media in 1983, even those in the computer community referred to computer intrusion as "hacking", although not as the exclusive definition of the word. [...]
    Today, mainstream usage of "hacker" mostly refers to computer criminals, due to the mass media usage of the word since the 1990s.

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