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  • gaborbol


    válasz Hedgehanter #494 üzenetére


    megcsinaltam parszor outlookbol -sikeres volt

    iis-ben az ews konyvtaron matattam kicsit ket tesztet futtatott abbol a masodik azt mondta hogy nincs joga a konyvtarra, adtam neki domain admint akkor a teszt ott gond nelkul lefutott, azota az otlookban ez van:

    Thread Tick Count Date/Time Description
    5012 29124375 07/11/08 16:59:19 Attempting URL https://servername.domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml found through SCP
    5012 29124375 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover to https://servername.domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml starting
    5012 29124390 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover to https://servername.domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml FAILED (0x80072F0C)
    5012 29124390 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover to https://domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml starting
    5012 29124421 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover request completed with http status code 500
    5012 29124453 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover request completed with http status code 500
    5012 29124453 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover to https://domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml FAILED (0x80004005)
    5012 29124468 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover to https://autodiscover.domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml starting
    5012 29124468 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover to https://autodiscover.domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml FAILED (0x800C8203)
    5012 29124468 07/11/08 16:59:19 Local autodiscover for domain.com starting
    5012 29124468 07/11/08 16:59:19 Local autodiscover for domain.com FAILED (0x8004010F)
    5012 29124468 07/11/08 16:59:19 Redirect check to http://autodiscover.domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml starting
    5012 29124468 07/11/08 16:59:19 Redirect check to http://autodiscover.domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml FAILED (0x80072EE7)
    5012 29124468 07/11/08 16:59:19 Srv Record lookup for domain.com starting
    5012 29124468 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover URL redirection to https://servername.domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
    5012 29124468 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover to https://servername.domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml starting
    5012 29124484 07/11/08 16:59:19 Autodiscover to https://servername.domain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml FAILED (0x80072F0C)
    5012 29124500 07/11/08 16:59:19 Srv Record lookup for domain.com FAILED (0x80072F0C)

    Hocipom tele van, owabol megy ez a fos, csak lokal halobol az outlook 2010-bol nem.


    erre ezt dobja a gep a cseresznyek helyett:

    Error Code 0x80070542
    Config Error Cannot read configuration file
    Config File \\?\C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\Autodiscover\web.config

    Hogy kraft szavaival eljek majd holnap meg rugdosom kicsit...
    Hogy volt ormesterem szavaival eljek, felrugom mint a fagyott kutyaszart !

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