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  • Hohocali

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    válasz tomyka74 #24872 üzenetére

    "felteszem 1 méterre a fülmagasságom fölé a hátsókat ami amugy is legyen 1 méterre tőlem ,hát nem is hallom rendesen ahogy szól!"

    "Surround Speakers

    And lastly, the surround speakers. Per Dolby and DTS standards, your surround speakers should be 90-110 degrees off center, directly to the side or just a little but behind your seating position. Also, as opposed to our front speakers, the tweeter of the surround speakers should be 2-3 feet above ear-level when seated as this makes it them harder to localize. In other words, it makes it harder to hear exactly where the sound is coming from, which creates a more realistic surround field. This will likely necessitate wall mounting or using tall stands."

    Pont az a lényeg, hogy ne halld, honnan jön a hang. :Y
    Röviden : Mercédeszt akarunk, de még csak Trabant van.

    "az armos chipek minden szempontbol elavultak, csak tok hulyeknek tudjak eladni oket , lasd ipad userek" by vers :)

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