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  • Hehe... most hogy lapozgattam a könyvet kicsit, ezt találtam a tegnapi (korábbi) témához:

    "There is a dynamic interaction between the variables of reps, sets and loads. The load used (% of 1RM) ultimately determines how many reps per set are done. Reps per set (or set time) ultimately determines how many total sets must be done. The interaction between the three will affect what adaptation is seen.

    The interplay between load and volume (sets and reps) can be looked at as an interplay between tension and fatigue. Tension is roughly equivalent to the weight being lifting (as a percentage of maximum). Fatigue refers to the total amount of metabolic work done. In general, the following appears to hold true.

    High tension/low fatigue: 1-5 RM : develops 1RM strength primarily
    Low tension/high fatigue: 25+RM : develops muscular endurance
    Moderate tension/moderate fatigue: 6-20RM : develops muscle size

    The above chart does not take set time into account. It is more accurate to say that low set times will develop primarily strength, medium set times hypertrophy, and long set times muscular endurance. However, this is highly variable and many individuals can develop hypertrophy with very low or very high reps."

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