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  • kolosanyi



    One of the biggest lies ever told is that most people fail to build muscle because of poor training. The gurus love their programs and do everything to protect their little babies. Whenever a method fails, the individual is to blame instead of the routine. It’s never the fault of the program. It’s always the person doing it that takes the blame for the lack of results.

    Of course, sometimes people are really lazy and don’t do the work because it’s easier to stay at home and swipe that iFone, but there are many, many lifters who train sufficiently to earn their fair share of growth. Some even train much harder than the Hodge Twins and the Jeff Seids of this world.

    I can be accused of many things, but not trying hard isn’t one of them. I am no stranger to brutality in the gym. I know how it feels to be mentally destroyed just by the thought of working out. I know how it feels to have aching bones, joints and muscles in the morning every day. I’ve pushed through the pain a few too many times. And yet, here I am – no muscle mass beyond the basic fibers I was born with.

    That’s why every time I hear someone accuse natties of being inadequate in the iron dungeon, I want to slap that person.

    The reality is that fake natties don’t train that hard. Just look at the popular YouTubers. What’s so special about their training? What are they doing that the natties aren’t?

    The programs are the same: Starting Strength, 5/3/1, StrongLifts, MadCow, SanCow, Bill Starr 5×5, Reg Park 5×5, Gironda 8×8, PowerToThePeople, 4×4 Training, Smolov, Smolov Junior, Sheiko…etc.

    The food is the same: protein this, protein that.

    What’s the difference? There’s no difference.

    Natties train just like the fake natties and still don’t look like the guys with millions of subscribers.

    What’s the secret behind this contrast?

    Simple. Drugs. Drugs. Drugs.

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