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  • enginev3.0


    válasz C. s. #37956 üzenetére

    Na végre!!!

    Én már nézem is :DD

    Sunday October 18th 2020 - qBittorrent v4.3.0 release
    qBittorrent v4.3.0 was released.

    This is a major version release due to the high number of accumulated changes and due to the long time since the last release.
    Some notes:

    Theming support has been enhanced but previous theme bundles will not work properly with this release. Please contact the theme provider for a fix. The new format is described here.
    If you want faster tracker announce rate or are having a slower client exit(compared to 4.2.x) then you may try increasing the Max concurrent HTTP announce limit from advanced settings.
    The latest version of libtorrent used contains many important fixes compared to the last one, including memory leaks and speed issues due to wrong caching logic on Windows.
    Qt 5.15.1 is used which offers far better HiDPI support. However, the torrent context menu will close after each tag selection.
    Brave users can download experimental builds from "Actions CI" on github.
    v4.3.0 changelog:

    FEATURE: Many UI elements colors are themeable now (jagannatharjun)
    FEATURE: Allow changing GUI icons from theme bundles (jagannatharjun)
    FEATURE: Notify user when torrent moving finished (glassez)
    FEATURE: Shortcut CTRL + I opens Statistics window (LoopsGod
    FEATURE: Add RSS functionality in Web UI (Sepro)
    FEATURE: Drop ".unwanted folder" feature (glassez)
    FEATURE: Expose libtorrent peer_turnover, max_concurrent_http_announces, no_connect_privileged_ports settings (Sophist, an0n666, NotTsunami)
    BUGFIX: Fix typo in Options dialog (Andrei Stepanov)
    BUGFIX: Remove "requires restart" from network interface settings (an0n666)
    BUGFIX: Rename "Create subfolder" to "Keep top-level folder" (thalieht)
    BUGFIX: Show tooltip for some properties in transfer list (Nick Korotysh)
    BUGFIX: Fix calculation of torrent current state (glassez)
    BUGFIX: Improve detecting completed files when adding, rechecking or moving a torrent (glassez)
    BUGFIX: Fixed broken announce logic in embedded tracker causing failures in some cases (FranciscoPombal)
    BUGFIX: Disable checkbox if torrent doesn't have root folder (thalieht)
    BUGFIX: Update country flag icons with upstream (Chocobo1)
    BUGFIX: Private torrent: If tracker entry is edited clear old peer list. Also don't allow user to manually add peers. (an0n666)
    BUGFIX: Fix large strings not visible in log widget (jagannatharjun)
    BUGFIX: Disable edit action in Peer list widget (Chocobo1)
    BUGFIX: Add a scroll area to torrent creator dialog (Ernesto Castellotti)
    BUGFIX: Content tab: Open double-clicked folder regardless on which column the click happens (Chocobo1)
    BUGFIX: "Open containing folder" on a folder now opens it in its parent folder (Chocobo1)
    BUGFIX: Fix GeoDB download in systems with non-C locales (FranciscoPombal)
    BUGFIX: Fix peer blocked message (FranciscoPombal)
    BUGFIX: Make more robust the banning of selected peers from the list (NotTsunami)
    BUGFIX: Use toned green color for downloading pieces in Pieces bar (jagannatharjun)
    BUGFIX: Correctly fill whole width of speed graph (jagannatharjun)
    BUGFIX: Fix impossible speed in speed graph (jagannatharjun)
    WEBUI: Hide additional search filters on small screens (Thomas Piccirello)
    WEBUI: Shrink search bar on small screens (Thomas Piccirello)
    WEBUI: Fix search categories only working in English (Thomas Piccirello)
    WEBUI: Add Trackers section to sidebar (Thomas Piccirello)
    WEBUI: Fix Enter button behavior in textarea (Tom Piccirello)
    WEBUI: Fix wrong file renaming selection range (MR)
    WEBUI: Preselect "Default save path" in watched folders (thalieht)
    WEBUI: Fix banning peers (brvphoenix)
    WEBUI: Fix seeding time checkbox placement (Chocobo1)
    WEBUI: Bump Web API version (Thomas Piccirello)
    RSS: Fix renaming RSS autodownload rule (glassez)
    RSS: Fix RSS article is not marked as "read" when torrent is downloaded (glassez)
    SEARCH: Update minimum Python version to 3.5.0 (ngosang)
    SEARCH: Make middle-click close search tabs (Will Da Silva)
    WINDOWS: NSIS: Update Dutch translation (Thomas De Rocker)
    WINDOWS: NSIS: Change the installers uninstallation question to clear confusion (an0n666)
    LINUX: Fix typo in systemd service file (Shane Allgeier)
    LINUX: Don't use HTML in tray tooltip (thalieht)
    LINUX: Don't create 'data' subdirectory in XDG_DATA_HOME (lbilli)
    LINUX/MACOS: Add HTTPS tracker certificate validation option (NotTsunami)
    OTHER: Many CMake improvements (FranciscoPombal)
    OTHER: Support for libtorrent 1.1.x is dropped (Chocobo1)
    OTHER: Many code cleanups and improvements (FranciscoPombal, Chocobo1, glassez)

    A sas száll ide - száll oda, de a szálloda nem sas ide - sas oda || Logitech <3

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